Chapter 43 : I Give Up

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I give up with arguing. I give up with the battle inside me too.

Ollie has been avoiding me for the past five days where as Carter, Hunter, Jen and Kai all seem to be with me a shit load more than usual. We've gone out together but Ollie is never there and whenever I ask they all give me a sad look and we leave it at that.

But he needs to get his head out of his ass and man up! OK yeah, I'm leaving for England in 11 days isn't that enough for us to still spend some time together? It's going to be even worse when I leave and he's wasted all 16 days sulking.

There was one time where he did come our with us but the group had tricked him into thinking I wasn't there. We'll, let's just say they regretted it after wards.

"What the hell is Ollie doing here? " I ask Carter next to me. We're planning to go and see another movie again today.

"Stop being such a wimp. You two need to talk this over." She replies.

"I can do that. But apparently he can't." I hiss. When Ollie looks over to me his jaw hardens and he literally ignores me.

Everything was fine until Carter and Hunter decided that it would be a good idea to lock us both in the same room together.

"Why are you so pissed off Ollie?" I ask him when it's no use trying to get us both out of here. Ollie doesn't reply and he continues looking at the wall.

"Are you going to answer me?" I ask and he continues to pretend that I don't exist. I'm pretty sure that I do.

After a few moments of silence I plonk my self down in the floor opposite him and rest my head against the wall.

"I'm royally pissed off with you because you decided to leave it until the last minute to tell me that you're leaving." He mumbles. Finally! Result!

"What about you? You left it until the night before to tell me that you were leaving for Australia." I reply. Ollie's eyes shoot towards me instantly.

"I had perfectly good reasons for that." He hisses.

"And going to college isn't a good enough reason to leave the country?" I ask rhetorically. "It's not like I've left it to the night before to tell you!" I hiss angrily. "I didn't even know if you were coming back. You didn't even know if you were coming back! You just left." I shout.

"It's not like I had the choice to stay in the country!" He yells causing me to flinch at the sharpness in his voice.

"It's was the only college which accepted me." I reply. "What did you expect? Did you expect me to stay here and have nothing? I didn't work my ass off for god knows how many years just for someone to mess it up because they're being childish!" I scream.

"When you get an opportunity like that, you don't turn it down! You know that I will be coming back!" God, he's got me so pissed right now. We just stare at each other with our faces angry and the words left hanging in the air.

"You don't get it do you?" He replies calmly. "It's not about missing you I'm worried about!"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"When I was gone for almost a year, you'd already made a new best friend. What about when you've been gone for four?" He asks.

"That's what your worried about? That I'll make new friends?" I ask in disbelief. "How many times have I had to tell you that Milo and I are friends. You are NOT my boyfriend so quit acting like it!" I yell and knock on the door to get the others to open it which they oblige. The door opens and I turn around to Ollie.

"You're being really pathetic Ollie." I mumble and leave.

Carter and Hunter stand there looking at me with sadness and they both apologise.

"Don't apologise. I think we needed to get it out of our system." I mumble. "I need to go. I promised my mom that we could watch a movie together tonight. I'll see you tomorrow." I reply and give them a quick hug and a large smile which they easily return.

I walk out and head home.

It has been like that for two days now. When me and Ollie accidently bump into each other, we ignore each other and carry on with our lives. It's annoying and I give up. I give up pretending and faking my emotions. I need to tell Ollie the truth.


End of another chapter! God I don't like them arguing. As I was writing this I would occasionally find myself clenching my jaw and now it hurts.

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