Chapter 50: May We Meet Again

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This scene is oddly familiar except I'm the one leaving and Ollie's the one staying. I'm at the airport saying bye to everyone.

First off is Kai. He pulls me into a gentle hug and fluffs up my hair.

"Good luck and don't get drunk." He laughs and I smile sadly. I move over to Jen who she pulls me into a tight hug and mumbles a goodbye in my ear which I return. I then move onto Hunter who pulls me into a bone crushing hug. I'm not even joking, I think I felt my eyes pop out of my skull.

"I'm going to miss you weirdo." He breathes.

"I'm going to miss you too." I smile back at him. When I step away from him I barely have anytime to breathe because I'm pulled into another hug by Carter.

"Oh god. I'm going to miss you. You've grown up so much! If you forget me I will murder you when you come back. Don't forget to email me whenever you can and I'll reply whenever I can." She replies. I pull back and see a lone tear running down her face.

"Don't get upset! I'm not dying." I laugh trying to lighten the mood and Carter joins in.

I kneel down to Elijah's height.

"Stay out of my room!" I warn and he gives a silent nod. I pull him into a gentle hug.

"Bye beast." I murmur in his ear. I pull away and shoot to mom's height. We just look at each other smiling.

"Have a grand time, don't get drunk, study, don't die and have fun!" She laughs straightening out my clothes.

"I won't mom. I promise." She pulls me into a hug and I hear her sigh sadly.

"I'm going to miss you." She mumbles.

"I'm going to miss you too." I reply she pulls away and there's only one person to say goodbye to now.

I turn to Ollie and see him giving me a sad smile which I return. I walk over to him and we just look at each other for a few moments before he crushes me to him and my eyes start to sting as a lump forms in my throat.

"I'll miss you." I whisper holding in the tears which are threatening to spill. I hold him closer to me and I never want to let go.

"I'll miss you too." He replies. We stand there for a few more minutes before we hear the first call for my flight. I pull away from him and give him a reassuring smile. I lightly press my lips against his cheek and gently hug him again.

"May we meet again." I smile quoting such a painful scene in my favourite T.V show.

"May we meet again." He replies with a little chuckle. I made him watch it with me.

I pull from him and turn to the rest of the group to find tears in their eyes.

"I will see you all in four years!" I laugh throwing my arms in the air and they laugh.

I turn to throw Ollie one last grin and grab my duffel bag as well as the two giant suitcases I brought with me.

I turn away from them completely and walk to the isle for my plane. My suitcases are taken to the plane but I keep the duffel bag with me.

I walk up the steps and onto the plane finding my seat. When I sit I grab a book from my bag and settle into reading it.

Wow. I'm actually going to England...


Sorry short chapter...

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