Chapter 9: The first time

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The golden shine of the sun blinds me awake and shines through the naked windows in my room. I groan and look at the time on my clock. Midday. I roll out of bed, literally. And drag myself down stairs.

"No way...!Pink feathers? He came home like that last night?" Shit!  I walk into the living room where Mom is talking to someone through her phone on the couch. She's laughing her head off. "What time was this? Really... 6 of them? It's just a bunch of teenagers having some fun. Even if it is ridiculous it's hilarious. I wish I was that creative when I was young." Mom looks in my direction. "Listen Mabel, I've got to go. I'll talk to you later. Alright bye." She puts the phone down then turns to me.

"Morning." I mumble.

"Good morning. Be honest. Where were you last night?" I sigh. I may as well just tell her. She knows.

"The mall." I say.

"Whose idea was it for the paint and the feathers?" She asks.

"What about the glue, mayonnaise and the sugar?" I ask.

"Them too?" She asks clearly intrigued.

"Yeah. I don't know. It was probably Carters. She seemed to know what she was doing."

"Who broke in first?"

"Ollie and me."

"Was it fun?" She asks.

"Heck yeah! Their faces when the water balloons fell onto them! They looked like that panda off the sneezing panda video on the internet!" I say and Mom bursts out in a mighty laughter. "We were nearly arrested though. Good job that Ollie was a fast runner, he had to drag me out of there." I say trying to get the smile off of my mouth. Mom's still laughing.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask.

"No! God No! You would be if it wasn't so damn funny." She says still smiling. I roll my eyes.

"I just didn't like the motorcycle."

"What?" She asks slightly confused.

"Ollie took us both there on his motorbike. I've never held onto someone so tight before in my life." Mom bursts out laughing again. "But Ollie was kind enough to help me through the night when jumping out the vent, and hiding from the guards."

"Wait, you crawled through a vent to get into the mall?" She asks.

"Yeah. I was in front and it was awkward because Ollie was behind me. He said I have a nice ass. Do I have a nice ass? What classifies as a nice ass?" I ask Mom. Right now she is crying with laughter and is trying to calm down, but every time she looks at my face, she laughs even more.

"What did you say to him?" She asks.

"I told him to go in front. Now he knows he has a nice ass, but he probably knew that in the first place." I say. Mom laughs...Again

"I think Ollie has a thing for you." She says giggling like a pre-teen girl when they first get flirted with.

"What! He does not! If he did I would know!" I say unconvinced.

"You would not! You are oblivious to everything around you! Just answer me this... Did you guys nearly kiss?"

"MOM! I'm not answering that!" I say blushing.

"You did didn't you!" She stands up off the couch and walks to me whilst pointing in my direction.


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