Chapter 12: The Start Of Persuasion

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Ugh. Sleep is a peculiar thing. It comes and goes whenever it feels like it. You're either under the force of sleep or not. And right now, I wish I am...

I haven't slept for a total of fifty-six hours. It seems impossible, but my brain refuses to rest and my eyes refuse to fall heavy. Do not ask why I can't sleep. I have no idea myself.

It's currently 4:05am and Disney movies are occupying my brain. I really want to watch Tangled right now. Do you ever get those weird urges to watch movies, or re-arrange your room in the middle of the night? That's me. I re-arranged my room yesterday so I can't do that again. Well I can but I'm too lazy to leave the comfort of my bed.

I jump out and put Tangled on. This is honestly my favourite Disney movie. By the time it's finished and the credits have made an appearance on my T.V I switch it off and grab my phone off of the night stand. I contemplate whether to text anyone but I doubt someone will be awake at half five in the morning. Even if they are they wouldn't want to talk to me. I wouldn't want to talk to me if I received a message from myself at this early hour.

I roll under my sheets and stare at the ceiling. Something tells me it's going to be awkward when I go to school tomorrow. I'll look like a zombie and Ollie will probably not be so secretive about our relationship. Even though we're more like friends with benefits without the sex. Thinking of Ollie, he keeps bothering me about listening to more genres of music. I grab my head phones and plug them into my phone and go onto Youtube. I listen to as much music as humanely possible. I've now got a favourite band called Imagine Dragons. My favourite album is smoke and mirrors. I've listened to it twice now.

Do people even still listen to albums? I really need to update my brain...

By the time I've finished listening to them, I jump in the shower and prepare for school. Mondays can go and sleep up my ass!  Freaking hate them.


My head phones bombard my ears as I plod through the school corridors looking like a zombie. I need sleep but my body won't work. Someone taps my shoulder and I turn to them. Ollie smiles at me and says something. I look at him like he's crazy. I tilt my head like how a puppy does when it hears a weird noise. I let my mouth part. He looks at me and rolls him eyes and repeats it again.

"What?" I say. I can tell that I'm shouting because everyone around us looks at me like I'm some weirdo. OK, I know I am but I don't want people to think that. I quickly push up my glasses. I pull out a headphone and ask Ollie to repeat what he said much quieter than before.

"Ugh. Want to skip next period?" He asks smiling at me.

"Nope. I'm good." I reply and put the head phone back in my ear and carry on walking through the corridors. Ollie aligns his steps with mine and falls into the same pace as me. He pulls out one of my head phones.

"What you listening to?" He asks whilst putting the removed head phone in his ear. I see his face light up when he realizes that I'm not listening to Ed Sheeran. "I see you decided to take up my advice and listen to decent music." He says smiling.

"Yeah. I was listening to their one of their albums last night and found out that I seriously like them." I smile back at Ollie. "And there is nothing wrong with Ed Sheeran." I retort and Ollie rolls his eyes.

"What song is this?" He asks.

"I'm So Sorry." I reply.

"Awesome." He says enthusiastically.

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