Chapter 44: My Confession

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I need to speak to Ollie. I don't care that it is 9:30 p.m I need to speak to him.

"Carter. I need to speak to Ollie. Where is he?" I rush.

"Woah. Woah. Woah. Slow down! He might be at his house, I'm not too sure. Why?" She asks.

"I need to speak to him... It's urgent." I rush.

"Um, OK. Well, I'm not too sure if he'll be happy with you barging into his house." She replies.

"He's not happy with me anyway. And besides, I won't be barging into his house. I will simply be knocking on his door very calmly." I reply.

"What ever. Ask Hunter, he'll definitely know where he'll be."

"Ugh! I've got to call him now?"

"If you want to so desperately talk with Ollie, you will." Ugh...


"Is that all?" She asks.

"Yep." I reply popping the 'P'.

"Goodbye Robyn."

"Bye Carter." I quickly hang up the phone and search for Hunter's number in my phone.

"Hunter! Do you know where Ollie is? I need to speak to him urgently." I answer.

"Why is it you never open with hello Miss Stellar?" A cool voice asks from the other end of the line. Ollie...

"Um... I'm in a rush."

"Well, I'm in a bit busy right now so that thing you need to tell me will just have to wait until tomorrow." He replies. Shit. What? No.

"Ollie, don't bullshit me, now where the hell are you?" I ask forcefully.

"Well, I might not tell you with that attitude!" He teases. I can practically hear him smiling.

"Ugh, you sound like my mother..." I breathe.

"Why thank you, I respect your mother very dearly."

"Ollie, I don't want to play games. I need to speak to you." I say.

"Why can't you just say what you want now? Over the phone?" He asks.

"This isn't something I want to say over the phone." I reply simply.

"Well, um... I don't know if I should tell you... I'm pretty busy and-"

"OLLIE!" I shout.

"Fine, fine. I'm at the diner."

"Bloody stay there and I'll see you in five." I reply and before he can answer I cut off and run out of the door and down to the diner.

It takes me two minutes to run to the diner. When I get there I see Ollie leaning against the wall looking down at his phone. I walk up to him and as if on cue he looks up to see me dying.

"Was that a bit of a run for little Robyn?" He teases.

"Don't... mock... me... Calar..." I say in between each wheezy breath.

"OK, I'm sorry." He laughs and I finally start to catch my breath. "So, what did you want to talk about?" He asks.

"I'm sorry... I was being such a bitch... I shouldn't have said those... things to you and... I-" Ollie cuts me off and tells me to wait until I'm breathing normally again because he cannot understand a word I'm saying.

"Yeah... OK." I reply and wait ten more seconds before I can speak normally without taking massive gasps in between every few words. "Damn! I need to exercise more regularly." I say and start again.

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