Chapter 23: Never Again will I attend a date

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"Worst date ever!" I groan whilst flopping on my bed.

It's official, I am not date material and I will never date ever again. Ever.


"Wow."  Ollie breathes as I opened the door.

"What?" I ask. Wow what?

"You just look great." He says whilst motioning to me.

"Thanks. So where are we going?" 

"That's not available information." He murmurs in my ear and grabs my hand to pull me towards his truck.


"What's so bad about that?" Carter asks. She got here a few minutes ago when I texted her.

I sit up from lying face down on my bed.

"I haven't even started yet."


"A carnival?" I ask before getting out the truck. Ollie nods then climbs out.

I watch as various lights shine in the background. I'm too intrigued in the scene infront of me that I don't even notice Ollie waiting for me to get out the door he has just opened for me.

I try to gracefully climb out but my foot slips on the side of the truck and fall out of the car onto my butt. I whacked my foot off the door on the way down.

"Are you alright?" Ollie asks trying to hold back laughter.

" I'm fine." I reply and Ollie helps me up.

"Are you sure?" He asks when our faces meet.

"Positive." I grab Ollie’s hand and drag him to the carnival.

"Let's go!" I shout and start running to the entrance.


"So what? You fell out of the car. That doesn't matter." Carter says next to me.

"I haven't finished yet."

"Oh my gosh! Cotton candy!" I shout and run to the stall.

"Robyn!" Ollie shouts behind me and through the crowd.

I keep the stall in eye sight and dodge everyone who comes into view. I can still hear Ollie’s calls behind me. Bitch I'm not waiting! I have a quick date with some cotton candy. When I finally reach the stall Ollie's voice disappears so I pull out a few dollars and buy a bag of cotton candy. 

"Wow. I have never seen you run so fast." Ollie breathes trying to catch his breath.

"I really love cotton candy." I shout whilst putting some in mouth and groan in delight. "Oh my god. It’s so good! Want some?" I ask Ollie with my mouth half full and offer him the bag.

"You're not going to get hyper are you?" He asks as he takes some cotton candy. I look up at him and grin.

"Please tell me you're not going to get hyper." He pleads.

"I can’t do that." I laugh.

"No more cotton candy for you." He says as he tries to take the bag off me. Hold up bitch.

"Oh heck no!" I yell and run off in a random direction.


"You got hyper that's it?" Carter asks.

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