Chapter 40: It's Not An Easy Decision

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I can't choose between these two.

"I can't Milo. Like I've said before, I don't like you like that. You're one of my best friends and it will be really weird if we dated. Nothing is going to change Milo." That and the fact I'm leaving for England.

There's a knock on the door behind us and I walk over to open it carefully watching Milo.

Ollie stands there looking a bit flushed and out of breath.

"What do you want Ollie?" I ask.

"Please ju-" He cuts off when he notices Milo standing behind me.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Milo hisses from behind me.

"Language!" I murmur. Why should Milo care? Honestly if I wasn't going to England I'd be in Ollie's arms by now. So if he thinks he had a chance with me he has another thing coming. Wait... I have two guys who both want to be with me! This is like twilight all over again. Minus the werewolves and vampires of course.

Usually a girl would die to have this happen to them but I'm more revolted than anything. Why would two guys want me? Why would they want me for anything other than homework...?

"Milo... I don't even know why you're here." I mumble.

"I think I'm going to go." Ollie says whilst glaring at Milo. I look between to the two boys and notice them both glaring daggers at each other.

Hold up! Did I miss something?

"Milo you should go too. I need some time to think." I say. This a complete lie. I just need to get over the fact that Ollie's home and that two guys want me.

"No. It's me or him Robyn." Milo hisses. Woah... What?

"Me or him Robyn." I look over to Ollie who, instead, said this.

Oh joy! Are they seriously going to get me to choose over them? Well? Right now I know who I'd want and it's neither of them.

"I'm not choosing between you. It's acctually pointless too because I've told both of you that I'm not dating anyone! Let alone you two." OK, this is something I'd see on a bad soap opera.

"So suck it up and LEAVE!" I complain. I just want them to go. Mainly Milo more than Ollie but still...

I look ahead and see that Ollie had already left and Milo stands there with a smug look on his face.

"You too ass hole!" I say and push him out of my house.

I shut the door behind and go to the kitchen. The kitchen is the only one I'm looking to date...

The kitchen is bae...

Can't believe I just thought that...

I can't believe they're both despicable enough to think that I would choose one over the other! Freaking morons!

You should never give someone that choice. Espicially me, I can't even decide what body butter to use! Usually I go half and half, my right side coco butter and my left side strawberries and cream. My senses get very confused sometimes...

Milo has been one of my best friends since Ollie had left and Ollie, well he's just been... Ollie. I've always hope to be more than friends but the chance has never really came.

I don't want to choose between them two. I don't want to have to make this desicion as it won't matter in exactly three weeks.

Three weeks and I'm gone. Three weeks and Ollie and Milo will have to get over the fact that I will be gone for four years.

They need to know.

I'm going to tell them as well as mom and the others.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow they will know. But now, it's peanut butter jelly time.


Another short chapter. APOLOGIES

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