Chapter 37: I Can't

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I can't be in a relationship with him.

"Milo, I can't." I say and I see his face drop.

"Why not?" He asks.

"You're one of my best friends. It would be weird, and let's not mention highly disturbing, if we dated. I'm sorry." I say.

"It's because of Ollie isn't it?" He asks with hurt in his eyes. Well that's only half of it.

"No. Milo. It's not. I just can't be with you." I say hoping it will end our conversation.

"Please tell me the truth Robyn." He pleads as he grips both if my shoulders forcing me to look at him. Ugh! I can't and I won't tell him the truth.

"I have, Milo. You need to leave I have some shit I need to sort out and I can't do that with distractions." I step back from him wich causes Milo's arms to hang back by his sides.

"What kind of stuff?"

"College stuff. No go please. I'll call you when I'm done." I smile.

"OK, but we need to get ice cream afterwards!" He laughs.



"Alright! I get it, ice cream afterwards!" I laugh. "Now leave!" Milo shakes his head as I point to the door and he leaves.

Thank the Lord that's over! I breathe and slump down the door. Right. Off to do 'college' stuff... and by that I mean lounge infront of the T.V with an extra large stuffed crust BBQ chicken pizza.

Pizza is love. Pizza is life. Pizza is my everything. I stare at the wonderful delight of chicken, BBQ sauce, green and red peppers, sweet corn, onions, cheese, bread and anything else good in life, right infront of me. The delivery guy just got this master piece here and I intend to inhale this.

As soon as I lift a slice to eat the door bell rings.

"For holy shits!" I groan as I leave my life on the couch. "We'll finish this later." I say to it. Why am I talking to pizza?

I drag myself to the door and surprisingly see Ollie there. I unlock the door.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Um... We need to talk." He says.

"OK. Talk." Can he please hurry this up. I've got a date with a saucy creation! Ollie stares at me as if I've gone insane.

"What?" I ask confused. "Is there something on my face?"

"No. This may take a while." He murmers. Ugh! I grab his hand and yank him inside. When I look up at him, I realise how close we are. We stand there for a few moments just staring at each other. As much as you want to. NO! DON'T BLOODY DO IT!

I step away from him and shut the door. I walk to where by beloved pizza is and sigh. I guess that we won't be doing 'college stuff" after all. I try to mind link it until I realise how insane I actually am. I'm trying to telepathically apologise to my pizza...

"So... what's up?" I ask Ollie as I plonk myself down into where I was sitting before and hold the pizza onto my lap.

He takes a seat beside me and let's out a long breath. "I know we've already talked about this."

"Ollie, if you're trying to ask me to be your girlfriend then you may aswell leave. I've told you there's complications an-"

"I'm not here to talk about that." He interupts.

"So, what do you want?" I ask cutiously. 

"I want us to be how we were before." He quickly mumbles so quickly I barely hear a word. I lift a slice of delicious pizza and shove some into my mouth. I look at him to tell him to carry on.

"I liked how we were before and..." I stop listening because I'm too caught up in my pizza. God I want to marry it. I revel in the crunch if the peppers, the chicken which is literally melting in my mouth and the cheese which is stretching about on the pizza in my hands. Holy cow, if this was a person I would reproduce with them in a heart beat. It's like I'm floating in space and it's only me and the pizza. Sort of how it felt when kissing Ollie.

Ollie's hand waves infront of my face and he clicks his fingers a few times before I'm brought back down to Earth. Shit he ruined my moment.

"Are you even listening to me Robyn?" He asks in disbelief.

"What?" I ask with a mouth full of pizza.

"Ugh! I said that I want us to be best friends like how we were before I left." But before you left I was in love with you. "I miss how we were. What ever this is now, well honestly it's shit." He says and I'm so tempted to eat my pizza so I take another bite.

"You're not listening." He stands up and goes to leave. Wait what? I want him to stay.

"No, I was listening." I announce before he's taken two steps. He turns to me with a smirk in his face.

"What was I saying then?" He asks folding his arms over his chest. How I would love to touch that chest once again... Wait. What?

"You were saying how you want us to be best friends, like how we were before you left, because whatever we have now is shit. And I agree with you. It is shit. So sure. Now plonk your ass down and have some pizza." I say whilst hitting the couch inviting him to sit.

He casually throws me a smile and jumps down next to me causing me to almost drop the pizza.

"DUDE!" I shout at him.

"What?" He asks so innocently whilst giving me the puppy dog eyes. Curse him and those dang sexy puppy dog eyes.

"I almost dropped the best creation know to man kind!" I exaggerate. "You're not getting any for that now!" I smile to myself and pull the pizza closer to me.

In the corner of my eye I see Ollie's hand edge towards the pizza and I slap it away. I hear him fake cry next to me and I hand him a slice.

"YAY! " He gasps and I can practically see the cheesy grin plastered in his face. One of his arms wraps around my shoulder and I cuddle closer to him. I breathe in his scent and recall all of the great memories we had together. He has bad timing. He does because I'm leaving soon and if I weren't, we'd be a shit load more than friends. If I weren't he'd know that I love him already.


OMFG OK so 2K+ readers Holy Lord! I remember the day when I got excited having two views and now more than 2000. Thanks you guys.

You could probably tell that I was hungry whilst writing this chapter but hey! I could do with some pizza now.

Sadly, Glasses and Tattoos is coming to an end but it still has like 15 chapters left so you guys are good for now.

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