Chapter 25: My Candy

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Books are such wonderful things. You get absorbed into a completely different world and away from reality, which right now is the definition of shit. The Ollie situation which happened only less than two hours ago is still frustrating me.

The thing which bothers me the most is his reaction. If his eyes were full of regret and yet, he still decided what he did. If only it ended differently. Walking down to Elijahs school is only short but not when it's raining and I can't see a thing. We were told 'sunny' skies this week, I'm thoroughly enjoying then.

I need a car. Walking around is too boring and tiring, personally, I prefer to to get to my destinations quicker and less... rained on.

Walking up to the school entrance my mind drifts back to the events earlier in the day.

Does Ollie’s helpless regret have something to do with obtaining a black eye? I'm just too concerned. Even though there are plenty of different situations where that could have happended to him.

"Robyn!" Elijah screams when he sees me and runs into my arms.

"Hey beast! " I laugh and pick him up. "How was school?" I ask.

"Boring!" He groans. I put him back on the floor and take his hand.

"Are you ready to go home and watch crap loads if T.V whilst eating as much junk food as possible?" I ask and he enthusiastically replies with a yes and the nod of his head. "Sweet. But we're going to run because of the rain." I say.

"Right! You ready?" I ad ask whilst walking to the door of the school. "3...2...1... Run!" I say and quickly push the door open to run the last five minutes home.


Sponge Bob plays on the T.V in front of Elijah and I with a pizza box between us. Mom's not home yet as she has the late shift tonight she won't be back until around 9-ish to 10-ish.

"I have crap loads of candy if you want some in a bit." I tell Elijah.

"Sweet." I laugh at his response and dispose of the empty pizza box and grab the candy I have stored in my room upstairs when I return, Elijah's flicking through T.V shows and ends up returning to Sponge Bob.

"Why don't you put adventure time on?" I ask.

"It's terrible!" He replies. What?

"That is never the answer to life!" I argue.

"Adventure Time isn't life!"

"It is to me." My eyes drift to the screen, I don’t even notice Elijah taking the bag of candy from my hands and run of whilst laughing.

"Get your ass back here with my candy Elijah!" I yell through the house and run after him.

"Never!" He yells and runs into his room. I run after him and he's already climb up to the top of his bunk bed.

"Get down! Get down and give me my candy!"

"Nope!" He yells and starts eating it. I see him take some skittles when I hear Mom unlock the door and yell her return.

"Mom! Elijah won't obey me!" I yell with a smirk on my face.

"Elijah! Do what your sister says.!" He replies.

"Ha! Now give me my candy!" I laugh and hold ny hand out for it. He reluctantly hands it over.

"Give me your hands." I say and he obeys. I pour some of the sweets in his hands and watch his face light up.


"Good night Elijah." I say and walk out his room and over to mine to do homework.


I check the clock on my phone which replies 11:06. Mom would be downstairs still and Elijah should be asleep. The knocking of the door alerts me and I go answer it.

Opening the door, I'm surprised with who's on the other side.


I have separated this chapter into two because it was too long.

This chapter was just a little fit in because there's barely any moments betweeb Elijah and Robyn. So voilà! New chapter. The next one will be posted in a few hours.

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