Chapter 35: He's Back

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Before I know it my legs are carrying me at full speed towards him. I see the others quickly move away and his green emerald eyes turn to me.

I crash into him and his arms lift me up and he spins me around in a circle. Holy shit! How I have missed this! I breathe in his familiar musky scent of cigarette smoke and damp air.

He puts me down and I hug him tighter with my head snuggled into his shoulder.

"I fucking missed you." I notice that at this moment that I'm crying. I'm crying because he's finally here! He acctually came back. And I'm here in his arms once again.

"I really fucking missed you!" I cry.

"I missed you too." He mumbles in my ear. Oh god his voice! I've longed to hear that sound for months and months and months.

I really don't want to pull away and I don't think that does either. I want to stay here forever and ever. I never want to let go again but I know I'll have to let go once again.

I pull away just enough to look at his face. My memory hasn't done his any justice. He still has the same dark hair, just a bit longer. His eyes are as vibrant as ever and his face has become more defined. Damn! This is a sight no one could ever forget.

I probably look a mess right now with blotchy red eyes and strands of hair sticking to my face. I quickly brush it off but I should have just left it because I start to tear up once again.

"I fucking missed you!" I repeat. He laughs and I join with him whilst wiping the running streak of tears. The sound is music to my ears.

"I know. I fucking missed you too." He lifts a thumb and wipes my tears until they stop.

I lift my hands to his cheeks and start to rub them. They then just start to mush his face and creates a lot of fat wrinkles every where.

"What are you doing?" He asks but it's muffled.

"Checking to see if you're real." I reply. "You are real right?" I ask.

"Positive!" He laughs and pulls my hands from his face.

"Oh my goodness! You're really here!" I laugh and feel the tears coming again.

"No more crying! OK?" He laughs.

He's really here. The man I have loved since the day we met is standing before me after leaving for almost a year. My Ollie is here with me.

I quickly turn to the others.

"Did you know?" I ask making them all jump. Slowly, small, innocent smiles creep onto their faces. I grin and so do they.

"Why the hell didn't you yell me?" I ask slapping each of them playfully on the shoulder, including my mom.

"Ollie told us it was a surprise and he didn't want us to tell you." Kai speaks after a moment of silence.

"How long did you know?" I ask suspiciously.

"Two months." Hunter admits and my jaw drops to the floor.

"Oh my god..." I turn back to Ollie and see him smiling innocent at me.

"You jerk! You made me wait two extra months before I knew you were coming home?" I ask. He nods guiltily.

"Don't be angry." He says like a small child whilst pouting his lips. He's just too damn adorable.

"I'm not angry. I'm bloody thrilled that you're here!" I laugh and he pulls me into him.

I've longed for this moment for a very long time. But nothing can happen because in a few months ill be moving to England for college. I got the letter back three days before graduation. I haven't told anybody. Not even my mom. I don't want then to know. Not yet anyway. I was so delighted to have got an acceptance letter from Cambridge University. It felt like I was getting a Hogwarts letter.

I look back at Ollie then at Kai, Jen, Hunter and Carter. I'll have to leave all of them behind and they'll leave me behind. I'll have to leave my family behind in the U.S whilst I'm living in England.

They can't know yet.


OK so a shorter chapter that the others I updated but this is the 5th I've posted today. I've been waiting to wrote this chapter for so long it's unbelievable.

HE'S FINALLY BACK! But she got accepted to Cambridge Uni...

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