Chapter 48: He Told Me His Plan

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"What do you want Milo?" I ask when I open the door later the next day. Ollie left a few hours ago because he had to help Hunter move some stuff.

"I need to tell you something." He replies. He's acting like a jerk already and he's only said six words.

"What do you want to tell me?" I ask calmly. I know that this is going to be a difficult conversation.

"Are you back with Ollie?" He asks.

"For two more days. Why?" I ask suspiciously.

"Damn I failed."

"Failed? What are you on about?" I ask him. What the hell is he on about? What did he fail? This is some weird ass conversation. I switch my weight from foot to foot as Milo is taking a while to answers my questions.

"I made a bet with someone that I could get you to be my girlfriend before that Calar could." He hisses. Wait? A bet!

"A bet? I was a bet?" I ask hurt.

"Yeah. Now I've just lost 500 bucks." He groans.

"Wait?! I was a 500 dollar bet?" I ask him enraged. "What the fuck are you talking about?!" I yell.

"Since day one, I made a bet with someone that I was better than Calar and I could get any whore he was after before him. But it turns out that I failed and now I've lost 500 dollars because of you." He hisses.

"First of all, don't you dare call me a whore and don't you dare think that I'm that desperate that I will go for some low life twat like you. And second... why on Earth would you think you can get anyone Ollie is after?" I ask him.

"You don't know do you?" He smirks.

"I don't know what?" I ask.

"Four years ago, I fell in love with someone but Calar being the dick he is, got the girl."

"Are you sure it's because she realised what a piece of shit you are that she actually went for someone decent?" I ask him. I feel a sharp pain across my face. He just fucking slapped me the man whore.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that!" He yells.

"Or was it because she realised that you're an abusive piece of crap?" I ask knowing that it will piss him of further but I don't give a shit. I'm pissed off too.

"You bitch!" I punch him in the face. I don't feel the pain I received, but I heard the crack. I have too much adrenaline pulsating through me to feel pain. Milo stumbles backwards and almost loses his footing but easily recovers him self.

"What was your plan?" I ask him.

"You really want to know?" He asks wiping the trickle of blood coming from his nose. I nod. "Well, I started to get your attention. You know being nice, and all of that shit? Moving next to you in class and befriending you. That was easy. I was going to ask you out but then Calar returned and my plan backfired. So I knew that I had to speed things up. That's why I was more insistent on asking you out. But being the slut you are, you kept refusing..." Is he aware of the definition of slut? "So I pretended to 'like' you. That was the hard part. But that dick you call a boyfriend stepped in and you accepted him like a whore." He hisses.

"So you basically did all of that because you were jealous of Ollie?" I ask him in disbelief. "You childish, self centred bastard! I'm glad that I refused your request. You need to leave." I hiss at him.

"Gladly!" He smirks and walks away. That little tit wank, twat faced turd! I slam the door behind me. I run upstairs and quickly turn the shower on hoping that it will calm me down but it doesn't work. I end up thinking even more about the conversation which just makes me even more angry. I quickly jump out and try to think of another way to release all of this anger bubbling inside of me.

I walk into my room and try to read a book but I can't focus. I then decide to watch funny Youtube videos. they don't work either.

Half an hour later I hear the front door open and Ollie's voice ring out through the house. I quickly jump up and run down the stairs. I pounce onto Ollie and tightly wrap my arms around him which he instantly returns.

"Hello." He says happily. "Someone's happy to see me." He laughs.

"Hi." I mumble and continue hugging him. My anger subsides slightly but not completely.

"What's wrong?" He asks me. I look up to him and smile slightly.

"Nothing. I'm just super pissed off." I mumble and move away from him slightly.

"What? Why are you so angry?" He asks.

"Ugh. Because Milo came round today and he told me his plan and about me being his 500 dollar bet." I say as I walk into the kitchen to get a drink. Ollie follows behind.

"What?!" He yells.

"It's just someone being a pathetic dick that's all. He lost 500 bucks so that's a plus side." I reply taking a sip of water.

"Oh. Are you OK though?" He asks as he walks up to me.

"Yeah. I guess." I reply. Ollie gives me a small smile and I return. I turn back to the sink to fill the water up when two strong arms wrap around my waist.

"It's OK. He's a dick." He whispers and it causes me to laugh.

"Yeah I know. But oh well, he was an ass anyway." I laugh. Ollie presses his lips onto my shoulders and lightly places feather kisses slowly up to my neck whilst moving his hands down to my hips. I arch my neck to give Ollie more access. He reaches a sensitive spot on my neck and I moan when he begins to suck on that spot. He tightens his grip on my hips and moves closer towards me. I let my head fall back onto his chest and his hands slowly glide up my pyjama top and rests on my waist. His lips move up behind my ear and they slowly travel back down my neck and to my shoulders. I turn around quickly and catch his lips with mine.

"I don't think I'm as pissed off as I was before." I murmur against his lips and he smiles against them.

"Looks like it worked." He laughs.

"Not completely." I reply. I smile and he presses his lips against mine.

Still a little bit pissed...


Another chapter done! OH MA GAWD.

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