Chapter 49: Don't Forget This

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I leave tomorrow and I still feel like I have months until university. Ollie and I have spent quite some time together but it's mainly been of a night. I've spent some time with Carter, Hunter, Jen and Kai but I've spent the most time with Ollie.

I asked Carter, earlier, if she wanted to go out today but she said that I need to spend the whole entire day with Ollie... which is weird because I've been with Ollie the most. She even convinced my mom to leave us both alone in the house for the day so she took Elijah to the beach. They won't be returning tonight...

So here we are, baking cookies. Don't ask me why we're baking cookies. It was Ollie's idea.

I add the chocolate chips into the dough but it doesn't look like a lot, so I add even more in. Still not enough. I give up and end up tipping the entire box of chocolate chips in to the cookie dough.

"Woah! How much chocolate do you want?" He asks laughing. I look back down at the bowl. There's not that much in there.

"What? Is that a lot?" I ask confused.

"Yeah. But it doesn't matter." He laughs and pulls me into him. He presses his lips against mine and an idea forms in my head. On the table next to me is a bag of flour. I discretely put my hand in and grab a handful. I slowly move my hand up to Ollie's head and pour the flour over him.
He doesn't notice and I try my best to not laugh but I fail and pull back. Ollie looks confused until he notices the flour on my hands.

Before I know it there's a puff of flour in my face. I gasp and watch as Ollie doubles over in fits of laughter.

"You... should... have... seen...your...face!" He gasps in between laughs.

I retaliate by throwing some more flour at him. I miss his face but it goes all over his shirt. He looks down at him self and stops laughing.

"You shouldn't have done that." He warns as he looks up at me. Oh shit.

I move behind the island and slowly try to back away from him. He grabs two massive handfuls of flour and charges towards me.

He quickly throws the flour over me and I'm pretty sure I look like a ghost. I grab a handful and spread it on his face while laughing. When my laughter dies down, I suggest that we should put the cookies into the oven and Ollie agrees. I pinch out chunks of the cookie dough and place them onto the baking tray which Ollie then puts in the oven.

He turns back around to me and I burst out laughing.

"What?" He asks.

"You're covered in flour!" I laugh harder.

"So are you." He replies. Oh shit yeah...

"We need to get clean. Do you want to go in the shower first? Or should I?" I ask him. Ollie turns to me with a devious smirk.

"Or... We could both go and save water." He winks and I roll my eyes.

"Nope. I'll go first, you'll have to wait." I reply and head upstairs with Ollie trailing behind me. I grab a towel from my room and put my glasses on my bed and then run into the shower, closing the door behind me. I strip off my clothes covered in flour. I jump in the shower and relax under the hot water.

When I'm finished I wrap the towel around me and look for my glasses. Shit! I left them in my room. Now Ollie is going to see me look like a racoon...

I hold the towel firmly around me and unlock the door holding my head down so Ollie can't see my face.

I feel around on my bed for my glasses but I don't find them. Ollie coughs next to me and I look up to see a blurry figure of him.

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