Chapter 39: Two Jealous Guys... GREAT!

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Waiting for Milo to get out of football practise annoys me. Practise finished 45 minutes ago. Ugh! It never takes him this long to finish practise.

I look down at my phone and start to text Carter.

Me: boys are annoying...

Carter: Ugh! Tell me about it. Hunter won't leave me be

Me: Ollie and Milo won't leave me be... just waiting for Milo to hurry up with practise so we can get ice cream

Me: I've been craving it for weeks...

Me: Help

Carter: Nothing I can do... Enjoy your ice cream! :D

Me: Bitch! I will cut you

I glance away from my phone and see Milo walk out of the building with damp hair and a duffel bag on his shoulder.

"Ready for this ice cream?" He asks excitedly.

"Hell yeah!" I yank the door open to his car and wait for him to join me.

When he does he drives the short 15 minutes to an ice cream parlour. We enter the store and I find a booth Milo and I can sit at whilst he gets the ice cream.

My phone pings. Carter must have replied. I open up the messages and find that it's from Hunter and not Carter...

I look up and Milo is still I the line waiting to get the ice cream.

Hunter: Don't believe everything that jackass tells you... Q0uestion him if you want.

Me: The hell you talking about?

Hunter: Ask him why he wanted to be friends with you...

Me: Hunter? Do you know something?

Hunter: Yeah... but I'd prefer you'd hear from his ass licking mouth than my beautiful angelic one ;)

Me: Please. Please just tell me.

I look up again and Milo is paying.

Hunter: No can do

Me: Please.

Hunter: NOPE!


When I next look up, Milo is placing my peanut butter ice cream infront of me and his plain vanilla in front of him.

What the hell is Hunter on about?

"Hey what's up? You've gone all weird and distant." Milo asks interupting me from my thought.

"What? Oh... Nothing." I mumble and start to eat my ice cream. With all of the thoughts running through my mind, I've seemed to have lost my appetite so I only manage a few spoon fulls of the creamy dessert.

"You done?" Milo asks after finishing his.

I nod and stand. That was the driest ice cream moment I've ever had. It was so awkward too.

"Hey... What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing." I reply and we finish the conversation.

Before I know it, we turn up at my front door to my house.

"You wanna watch a movie? We could order some pizza?" I ask Milo when I unlock the door and plod inside.

"Yeah sure... But I'm choosing!" He laughs as he makes his way to the couch.

I pull out my cell and ignore the messages Hunter sent me. I can't be bothered for any drama right now.

"What pizza do you want?" I ask him as I jump on the couch next to him.

"The usual please." He joyfully speaks as he searches for movie to find on Netflix. Before I can dial the number Milo interupts me.

"I need to say something." He announces.

"Shoot." I reply.

"I think you should choose."


"Between us. Ollie and I."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that it's me or him Robyn." He looks to me with a grave look in his eyes.

What the hell is he talking about?


Another short chapter. APOLOGIES.

A lot of the final ones will be fairly short... sorry.

Anyway I hope you're enjoying Glasses and Tattoos.

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