Chapter 52: My Life Without You

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Being in England is beautiful. I've been here for three months and I still can't get enough. Everything would be perfect if he was here with me.

After two weeks of emailing each other, I started to lose touch with others back home because I was too busy with work, school, studying, sleep, school, work and I've tried my best to fit in a small email every night but we've not been responding as much. We still do but I only get a reply every few weeks. It's sad really but it's better than nothing.

The emails have been the same: how you doing? What's new? We miss you! Have fun! Don't forget about me bitch! Etcetera etcetera.

I've been caught up in school and more school. I took on Carla's advice and got a job at the library part time. I only get one day break, so I use it to study so I can fit in four hours shifts at the library.

Carla also works there too. We've honestly became best friends, nothing was ever awkward between us, we just clicked and BOOM bad ass friendship. I guess sharing a room with someone really does bring you closer. Ugh! So cheesy.

It's Christmas next month and I need to buy presents. I've got one for Jamie. He's Carla's older brother and Scott, Jamie's boyfriend. Those two are just so adorable together it makes me sick. But I guess that's how other people had felt about me and Ollie... They are honestly the best people I've ever met.

Their favourite hobby consists of pranking me every week. The other week I had temporarily pink hair. Thanks guys. I was also woken up last Thursday when I turned my alarm off and a bucket of water and ice feel on me. They're my older brothers I never had.

Carla's telling me about the day that her brother came out to his parents.

"What did they do?" I ask her clearly intrigued.

"They disowned him." She replies and I feel my jaw drop to the floor.

"What?! How idiotic!" I yell. "What did Jamie do?" I ask her.

"He moved in with Sarah, my eldest sister. She took him under her wing and I'm thankful to her for doing that. Jamie really needed someone. I guess it was hard for him to accept who he was and my parents just threw him out on the curb as if they were something they picked off of his shoe. They said he was a disgrace to the family." She hisses disgusted.

"I don't think that Jamie is the disgrace to the family. I think it's your parents for treating him that way. No offense." I quickly add and Carla brushes it off.

"Whether they were straight, bi, trans, gay, lesbian or pans, doesnt change who they are, it makes them stronger. No gender is weak. The only weak people are homophobic because they can't accept anything beautiful. If one of my children ever came out to me, I'd freaking congratulate and support them! Not high five them in the face!" I reply. How could someone do that to their child?

"I know. I think it's the best thing Jamie has done. Accepting who he is. Before, when he tried to date girls, you could tell that he didn't really feel and attraction to them but as soon as he started to date Scott. BOOM! I've never seen Jamie so happy and I'm proud of him." Carla smiles.

"So you should be!" I yell happily. "Did you have anyone?" I ask her.

"There was this one guy but we broke up."

"Why so?" I ask her.

"He cheated on me because I didn't want to have sex with him so soon into our relationship." She replies.

"What a prickly bastard!" I reply and Carla bursts out laughing.

"What about you?" She asks.

"What about me?"

"Was there anyone special back home?" She asks.

"Um... yeah." I reply thinking about Ollie.

"What happened?" She asks.

"We broke up because of the distance."

"Oh. We're you guys madly in love?" She asks.


"What's the distance go to do with it?" She asks.

"I guess that it would be too awkward tying to hold a long distance relationship with crap loads of studying and the fact that I won't return home for another four years. I think it would have been too hard." I reply unsure.

"If you guys were incandesently in love then I don't think that the long distance relationship would have been too hard. Difficult, yes but not impossible."

"We don't really keep in touch now. I rarely speak to anyone back home."

"Well, I think that I'd you and lover boy were still boyfriend and girlfriend, you'd both still have something precious and delicate to fight for." She replies.

"Touché!" I reply.

I fall back into my bed and think about it. It could have worked but I'm not good with distance.

I should have attempted it.

But for now all I can think is that this is the start, not the end.

The End


I just noticed the irony here. 'Not the end' yet it legitimately is...


About the gay stuff, I don't mean anything I say in a bad way. I completely and utterly support gay rights and I think that homophobics should just accept that one sexuality is right. Apologies if anyone has been offended by anything, it's my opinion which is supportex across large ranges of the world. I am not insulting or discriminating any sexuality. The comment 'it makes me sick' ISN'T insinuating that gays make me sick it's just how cute their relationship is.

Now that's out if the way thank you for reading Glasses and Tattoos

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