Chapter 19: Sorry- STOP IT!

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"Do you realise you have been out here for two whole periods?" A deep voice startles me out of my thoughts. Shit! Two hours?! Wow... I have been sitting here thinking for two hours about the Ollie situation.

I look up and find the least expected person. Ollie. Well, this has made solving this problem a shit load easier because, well... I'm not the one starting awkward conversation. I stand up and immediately look up to find him looking down at me. You know this height difference has some pros and cons. Right now I don't really know what it is. But I'm leaning more towards pros...

"Um... Y-yeah. I- uh... I, it was supposed to happen." I stutter. ­Ugh! What is freaking wrong with me? It must be the awkwardness that's getting to me. This just causes Ollie to raise an eyebrow.

"You sure about that?" He asks.

"Uh... Yeah."


"Like 98 percent?" Why was that a question?

"OK then." And here comes the awkward silence...

"Do you like oxygen?" I blurt out and resist covering my hand over my mouth.

"Yeah, it's okay I guess."

"I personally think oxygen is over-rated anyway." Just shoot me now!

"Why's that?" Ollie asks concerned. Oh my gosh... He's going to think I'm mental, but there is truth in that statement somewhere. He's going to let me get sent away and I'll never see my Mom or Elijah or anyone again! I can't have this happen to me. It's too soon.

"I don't know really."


"Don't send me to a mental hospital!" I blurt with panic covering my face as well as humiliation.

"Why would I send you to a mental hospital?" He questions looking very worried.

"Because you probably think I'm insane."

"Well, I don't think, I know. But I wouldn't send you to a mental hospital."

"Why not? I mean I would if I weren't me." I say looking into the green orbs staring back at me.

"Because I'll miss you too much and people will think that I'm weird for talking and 'interacting' with the psycho girl."

"Good point. Of course we don't want the nerdy Robyn Stellar ruining the reputation of the notorious Ollie Calar do we?"

"Nope." He smirks and pops the 'P'.

"Good." I smile.

"So, I guess you won the challenge with your very creative prank, or should I say pranks you pulled on me this morning." He says whilst taking my hands in his.

"I am very proud of myself." I reply proudly.

"You know what this means right?"

"What?" I ask and Ollie grins mischievously. He stands closer to me so our chests are nearly touching and brushes a strand of hair away from my face. The tips of his fingers tickle my skin as he carefully caresses my cheek. His eyes keep diverting between my eyes and mouth as if asking for permission. His thumb massages circles in my cheek sending shocks through me and he slowly inches his lips to mine and I let my eyes flutter shut.

Ollie stops moving closer towards me when our lips are close enough to brush.

"It means I get to do this." He whispers and his heated breath tickles. Just as Ollie is about to press his lips onto mine, I slowly move my head away so he follows. When he moans in frustration, I can't help but lightly laugh.

"What's wrong Ollie?" I ask sarcastically making sure our lips brush causing him to moan again.

"You're such a tease Robyn Stellar." He groans.

"You love it really." I whisper and open my eyes to look back at his closed ones which gradually open to reveal the beautiful I eyes I have come to love. I can see lust but a hint of pain and fear which is very faint but it soon disappears when they focus on mine. All I can see now is happiness and freedom. My heart warms at the fact I can do this to him.

I look down at Ollie's lips and see that they have slowly curled into a grin which I return.

"Are you grinning at me Miss. Stellar?" He asks.

"I sure am Mr. Calar." I reply whilst looking and getting captured back into his gaze.

The anticipation is too much so I move one of my hands to the back of his neck and fill the space between us by crushing his lips with mine. Our lips move in sync and each movement sends tingles through me.

Ollie's hand brushes up my back causing me to shiver. He smiles into the kiss and pushes me back until my back hits the tree. Both of Ollie's hands are at the side of my head so he's caging me in. His lips push more forcefully against mine and his tongue strokes my bottom lip so he can deepen the kiss further. I smile and refuse to give in to the temptation. I feel Ollie's hand travel down to my butt. I gasp as he squeezes it and he uses it as an opportunity to deepen the kiss. I let both my hands travel to Ollie's hair and I take a step forwards so our chests are pressed together. I wrap my arms around his neck and Ollie brings one of his hands to my hair and the other one moves from my butt to the small of my back.

We break away when we need to breathe and I can feel the heat of his breath against my face. I open my eyes and move them to look at his.

"Sorry." I whisper.

"For what?" He asks confused.

"Pissing you off."  Ollie lets out a small chuckle.

"You didn't piss me off." He says.

"Why were you angry this morning?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter." He replies clenching his jaw.

"Are you sure?" I ask looking at him. He clenches his eyes shut and tightens his jaw again.


"OK." I say dropping the touchy subject. "OK. Sorry." I bite my lip.

"Stop apologizing." He laughs lightly.

"Sorry... Shit! Sorry, oh sorry! Sorry! Shit! Sor-" Ollie presses his lips against mine to shut me up. And my, it certainly worked.



Short update I know... Sorry- This has been said a lot in this chapter don't you think?

Well, another Ollie and Robyn moment has been made in history today. FABULOUS!

I hope you're enjoying this because that's vonderful! (Not a spelling mistake)

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