Capter 22: Dating 101

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Scanning my self thoroughly through the mirror, I suddenly get a wave of nervousness rush through my veins.

"So? Did I do a good job?" Carter asks in the mirror behind me. The cream and red floral dress sits just above my knees and over that is a black leather jacket. After a series of regular ear burning, my hair has been lightly curled. My eyes hold different shades of neutral eye shadow with a light coat of mascara. Carter also decided I wouldn't need lip stick so she just got me to use clear lip gloss. And of course, Carter insisted that I wear high heels but I refused and went with my red converse.

"I've got to admit, I look pretty good. You did a brilliant job Carter and I congratulate you." I turn towards her and give her a small clap with only moving my fingers together.

"Why thank you." She replies whilst offering a bow in return.

"Now dating 101." Carter suddenly changes and walks over to me. "If you go to a restaurant, do not order spaghetti, noodles anything in that manner. Do not order something too healthy or something too junky.

"You don't want him to think you're a freak who is strict on her weight and dieting. You know the all-carb diet crap like that? But you don't want him to think you don't give a shit about your weight."

"But I don't care about my weight."

"I know but we want Ollie to think that you care enough about your weight to eat healthy but you still want them fries."

"You know, Ollie knows me too much to know that I don't care about my weight."


"So, it doesn't really matter what I order if we do go to a restaurant."

"Wait, you don't acctually know where you're going on this date." She asks.

"Nope. No idea."

"One sec." She whips out her phone and quickly dials a number. "What the hell man?... Where you going?... So that's it? Huh.... well sounds great but seriously, if you hurt her,  I will murder you personally... Yes I know I've known you longer but she doesn't deserve to get hurt... OK... good." 

Well that was weird. Who was she talking to?

"Who was that?" I ask.

"Ollie." Carter shoves her phone in her back pocket and throws me a dazzling smile. So you have exactly twenty seconds before Ollie knocks on your door. So hurry your ass up and get ready for a wonderful night." She twirls at the end of the sentence which causes me to raise my brows. "What?"

"Nothing. I'm just nervous I guess."

"Why are you nervous?"

"This is my first date."

"You've never been on a date before. OK remeber dating 101? Just be your weird, usual, nerdy self, don't order anything too messy, junky, or healthy. Smile and laugh, make out, whatever. The main thing is, have a good time. Don't worry about messing anything up because it's literally impossible."

"How is it impossible for me to do something drastic like knock over a food cart into some person who falls into a ladder which holds some guy. The ladder hits some guy and knocks him unconscious and this person happens to be holding a blow torch which spontaneously sets the unconscious person on fire."

Carter looks sideways on at me as if to ask 'why do I know you?'.

"Please tell me that hasn't happend?" She asks concerned.

"No but it could." I suggest.

"I doubt that very much." She laughs. The door bell interrupts us from our conversation.

"That's Ollie." I say and walk out my room across the hallway and to the top of the stairs.

"Don't forget dating 101!" Carter calls back to me from my room.

"I won't." I call back.

"Have fun!" She yells when I'm about to yank the front door open.


Thank you for reading. I hope you’re enjoying this.

There's about three more parts of his chapter but I'm keeping them all as individuals.

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