Chapter 30: Not Another One

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I swear this guy is stalking me. It's been one month and I have seen him everywhere I look in school. I have noticed him before but not this often, even when I was with Ollie I only saw him when I went to class or was on my way to the cafeteria.

I slam my locker shut and walk to English. He even moved next to me in science. Why is he creepy? For a jock, you would assume that he would be drooling over overly lip glossed girls who follow any hot guy around, including Ollie but he was oblivious to it.

"Robyn you're with Milo!" WHAT?!
Our wonderful teacher has just decided to assign us with a project. But please anyone but Milo to be my partner in this.

"It will have to be done in your own time but not during our lessons." OK... double shit!

Milo slides in the seat next to me causing his shoulder bumps against and I try my best to not shiver in disgust.

"Hey." He says. I look at him awkwardly and just wave my hand to say hello.

"Looks like we're partners." He smiles. Oh joy...

I have never ever once in my life been excited to get to math. But as long as I'm not in the same class as him, I'm happy.

I've hated maths since the day I we were introduced... but I'm suprisingly rather good at it. Today I just let my head roam free, my brain has been so clogged up recently that I've not had time to focus. So I uncover all the thoughts and try my best to get rid of Milo from my brain cells. But I also try my best to make Ollie a memory and not an emotion. Since Ollie left for Australia a month ago, I've been feeling rather isolated. I just can't seem to be as open as I was before. I can't seem to be as free minded. His leaving did leave something on me, I'm lonely.

But I do still have Hunter, Carter, Jen and Kai. They're my best friends but Ollie was more.

The final bell rings and I run to the parking lot. I refuse to drive Ollie's truck still, it's not much but it's a hope. I see my mom's car turn into the lot entrance and I could do a happy dance on the spot but I don't because nobody, and I mean nobody, wants to see me dance in any form.

The clogging of the cars builds up and it's taking twice as long for my mom to pull up.

"Robyn!" My body freezes and I try to cover my face. The voice rings again. With the rapid footsteps of running I hear approaching me, I glance to see where my mom is but she hasn't moved since the last time I looked. Please hurry mom! Please hurry. The footsteps get louder and my mom still hasn't moved.

Before I know it, Milo stands in front of me. Great.

"Go out with me." He breathes in my face and I try my best not to wretch at my lack of comfort.

"What?" I ask.

"Go on a date with me." What?! God no please... I hesitate to answer. When I do he beats me to it.

"Just go with me tonight, and if you have a good time we'll go on another one but if you have a shitty time I promise never to communicate with you ever again!" Desperate much?

Although, if I do go on this date then I never have to acknowledge him ever again, well except for the project but at least he won't flirt his way to an A, but still! And it's guaranteed that I won't have a good time because well, he's not Ollie.

Before I think anymore, my mom's car pulls up to the side walk. About freaking time!

"Sure." I smile and turn to the car.

"I'll pick you up at seven." He calls behind me. Oh joy.

I jump in the car and slam the door behind me.

"What's up?" Mom asks. I just look at her in disbelief and shrug my shoulders.

"Is that your boyfriend?" She asks and I just want to epically face palm.

"No mom, I've never had one. What makes you think I'll have one now?" I ask whilst turning the radio on.

"Well I don't know? Do you have a date with him?"

"Unfortunately." I sigh.

"Oh, well I'm glad you're getting out there. Since Ollie left, I thought you'd isolate yourself away from the world." She laughs. "And why is it unfortunate that you've got a date tonight with a cute guy?" Mom asks.

"I don't like him."

"What do you mean you don't like him? You wouldn't go on a date if you didn't like him." She replies.

"The only reason why I'm going on this date is to get him to leave me alone."

"Has he been harassing you?" Mom asks concerned.

"No, it's just- I don't like him. He annoys me. I know we shouldn't judge people, but you know when you first meet someone and you immediately don't like them? Yeah well that's sort of our one sided relationship."

"I can't say that has ever happened to me? I've never met someone I immediately dislike. But give it a shot, you might have a good time." Doubt it.

"If you start to sing JLS right now I will actually murder you."


Fin. End of chapter sorry it took so long it was like a two month gap.

I don't like this chapter. I never do!

Hope you're having fun reading Glasses and Tattoos and don't forget to check out Great Un-Expectations! I still need to wrote the new chapter for that.
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