Chapter 6: Lies and Whispers

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I can't sleep. I toss and turn for hours. Something's playing in my mind and I don't know what. It's like waking up from a dream and then it gradually fades. But in my case, my troubles are fading instantly and I'm forgetting them as soon as they are over. I've tried counting; listening to music and think of circumstances that will never happen but you hope they will. I've tried to think about what I could do with my life. I play a bit of 'What if?' I've contemplated life.

What if there's a alternate universe where time is going backwards? Like the first day Earth was created is the last day the alternate universe will exist.What if we are actually our pet's pet? Etcetera etcetera.

I look at my phone, 4:58am. My alarm will go off in 1 hour and 32 minutes; I'm obviously not going to get any sleep now. I turn it off and stare at the ceiling. I imagine stars above me. I've always loved the night sky. The bright lights standing out upon the darkness. The glow of the moon reflecting off the lake behind my house. I love the different aroma it gives off. It's much more relaxing but haunting than midday. I turnover in my bed and stare at the wall.

After five minutes my shoulder starts to hurt so I stand and sit on the window seat. The curtains are already open so I watch the darkness with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders.

I must have been sitting here for a while because I can see the golden glow of the sun rising. Ugh. Start of the day means school. Well at least it's Friday! When the sun has nearly completely risen I walk over to my bed and check the time. 6:26am. I start to get ready for school. First I shower, change, brush my teeth and read a book but I don't dry hair because it dries quickly.

"Let's go!" Mom shouts whilst I run down the stairs. Elijah isn't at school today because some of the pipes had burst so the floor is basically flooded. I run into the kitchen and grab an apple. My bag is on the couch by the door so I lift and swing it over my shoulder and jump into the car. I bite the apple and watch the houses fly past.

"You look really tired Robyn. What time did you go to sleep?" Mom asks.

"I didn't." I say biting the apple and staring out the window screen.

"What! Why?"

"I couldn't get to sleep."

"Well, did you try-"

"I tried everything possible at the time." I interrupt.

"Oh. Is something troubling you? You seemed a bit on edge on the way home from school yesterday."

"Nope. I'm fine."

"Alright then." Mom's attention returns to the road and I finish my apple. The houses soon disappear and the school comes into view.

"Ughhh!" I groan. Mom just laughs.

"Come on! It's Friday."

"Well, I guess that's what keeps me going." I say and jump out the car when she's stopped in front of the building. She drives off and I'm left at this shit hole.

Taking a deep breath, I plod forwards into the building. On my way in the bell rings and I make my way to first period. I walk quickly to English Lit, hoping no one will see me.

I haven't been seen when I make it in the room so I let out a sigh of relief and sit in a chair at the back of the room.

Again, Mrs. Gencah talks about poems. My head is resting in my hands and I can feel my eyes getting heavy and my head drooping. So you want to sleep now? Before I let myself fall into sleep I look up and try to keep my eyes open. Every now and then, I look at the clock, only two minutes have passed since the last time I looked at it. Ugh! I stare out of the window, watching the light wind brush past the trees. The sky is gross and grey. That doesn't help with my mood.

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