Chapter 20: Puppy Dog Eyes And Awkward Phone Calls

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"Mom!" I yell trying to stop her from singing so loud and so bad whilst we are both in public. We're in the car but she has decided to open the windows all freaking five of them including the sun roof because she said and I quote 'I love this song so much and I want the whole world to know!'. Thus here I am stuck in a vehicle listening to my Mom sing out of tune to Taylor Swift's blank space. It's not that I don't like the song, it's the fact that all I can hear is a cat being strangled but it's acctually my mom.

"And I'll write your name..." She whispers in my ear. Ugh! Make it stop!

"How long do we have to wait for Elijah to finish soccer practice?" I shout over the music and my mom's screaming. But it does nothing and she completely ignores me. And the Mother of the year award goes to Robyn's and Elijah's Mom... Katy Stellar! I find it really werid that my brother has soccer practise on Sundays. I don't know why but I just do.

"And that was Blank Space by Taylor Swift..." The radio presenter finally speaks after what feels like an etetnity of torture but was acctually a few minutes.

"Finally!" I shout when my Mom stops singing.

"That's rude." Mom mocks.

"You know I love you mommy but you nearly made my brain explode." I reply innocently and shoot her the best puppy dog eyes I can muster up.

"Do not use your puppy dog eyes on me Miss. You know I can't resist them." She points at me warning me to stop but I contine. I pucker out my bottom lip a bit further making sure it quivers a bit and I look up through my lashes at my mom whilst raising my eyebrows. I make my eyes water a bit as well for extra effect.

"No..." She warns but I continue. "Robyn! Stop it right now!" She demands but I can tell she's on the verge of breaking.

"Will you buy me a jar of peanut butter and peanut butter Ben and Jerry's ice cream?" I ask innocently.

"Only if you stop with the puppy dog eyes." I hold out my pinky finger so she can pinky promise.

"Promise?" I know I've won her over when she throws her head back against the car seat and groans.

"Promise..." She sighs shaking my pinky.

"Victory!" I shout fist pumping the air with both my hands and grinning. The door behind my Mom's opens and Elijah throws himself in along with his bag.

"Hey beast!" I say reaching over and ruffling his hair.

"Burger!" He grins but bats my hand away.

"How was practise?" I ask as Mom pulls away and onto the road.

"Alright I guess." He shrugs.

"What did you do?"

"Warm ups mainly. We didn't have a practise game though." Elijah loves them. The car parks in the parking lot to the supermarket and Elijah and I jump out.

"Can I have some ice cream Mommy?" Elijah asks giving her the puppy dog eyes and Mom groans because she can't resist the temptation of her children's puppy dog eyes.

"No Elijah, no puppy dog eyes." I decide to join in on the fun and do the same facial expression as Elijah. "Robyn! No! You both know I feel like a bad parent when you both give me the puppies."

"Can you buy me some ice cream Mommy?" Elijah asks innocently. It's virtually impossible to say no to Elijah when he gives you the puppy dog eyes. He is just too adorable.

"Ugh! Fine."

"And some candy?" I add on looking through my lashes.

"Yes and some candy."

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