Chapter 11: Cliché

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I was sat a jeep with Jim sitting next to me. He asked me out on a date which I graciously accepted. He's the school jock. Loved to play football, soccer, baseball and all the other shit on top of it.

"So are you going to tell me where we're going?" I asked. He glanced at me with a smirk on his face which would usually makes girls fall to him at his knees. But his smirk, wink, frown and his entire face in general made me uncomfortable.

"Nope." He replied with his usual one word answer. Oh, and he's a jerk too.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because it's a secret." He replied. I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window. We were driving through the forest. It was cold out and I was idiotic enough not to bring a coat.

In the middle of the forest, he stopped the car and got out. Therefore I got out too. The mist surrounded me in a gripping hug, and the familiar scent was in the air where you know it's going to rain.

"We're here." Jim announced.

"Here?" I asked confused to why we were in the middle of nowhere but trees.

"Yup." He walked towards me and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. He started to kiss me which took me by surprise because, well I had never been kissed before. Little did I know that he was setting me up to be publicly humiliated in front of my entire grade and other people who looked at that kind of shit on someone's 'Facebook' page.

When Jim and I broke apart he looked at me like I was a pathetic piece of shit who needed wiping off of someone's shoes. I looked around and several people stood around me with their phones recording us.

Suddenly massive buckets of ice cold water tipped over me as well as syrup. Jim encouraged people to throw dirt at me because I was new and a nerd. I saw Jim drive off in his jeep, others had left, others stayed to beat me up. I was kicked in the face, stomach, head, back. It took me half an hour to get up off of the ground. By the time I got up, it started to rain. Which was just perfect in my situation!

It took me 2 hours and 30 minutes to get back home. I arrived freezing my ass off with bruises forming on my face and all over my body. I had a busted lip, a swollen eye and gashes all over me.

My Mom wasn't in so she couldn't help me. I tried to wash off as much dirt and dried blood as I could off of me. I went to bed later.

When I had woken up I looked at myself in the mirror. My left eye was black and my right eye was slightly turning purple. A bruise covered the left side of my face. Red streaks were on the right side of my face and all across my neck. I was wearing a t-shirt so I could see the marks on my arms. I lifted up my top with my arm that actually worked. My body was nearly black and blue. I looked at my legs and they were the same as my arms.

I walked into my Mom's room and she cried when she saw the state I was in. She called the police and told them that Jim had planned the assault. He was arrested. My Mom removed me from the school immediately and took me to the hospital. I had three fractured ribs, a dislocated shoulder which was really painful getting it pushed back into the socket. I refused to go anywhere until the bruises calmed down a bit and they weren't that visible.

I'm sad that I never got to see Jim again. He never got to see what I looked like after his plan. But I'm glad that I didn't. I didn't want him to pity me. I wanted him to fear me. To be scared that I'm still strong after I returned home beaten black and blue.

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