Chapter 32: What?!

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It's been six months since Ollie left to Australia. It's easy now, he's just a memory and no longer an emotion. Milo has been the one to help me forget the bad emotions, he's become a good friend but I think he sees our relationship differently. I can't proceed into one. Even though Ollie is a memory, I still believe he'll return and I'll never let go of that hope. Milo is more of a brother than a 'boyfriend'.

And just thinking of that literally makes me shiver, causing my mom to give me a funny look.

"What? I ask her.

"Are you cold?"

"What? No why?"

"You shivered."

"Oh no, it's fine just had a lot on my mind that's all." And with that she carries on focusing on the road.

Yesterday, I was told that I'm doing a speech for our graduation day. I've thought about colleges but I've only applied to one. In England.

I don't know why because my doubts for getting accepted are very high. I should apply to others for a back up plan but I really don't know which ones.

Mom finally arrives at school and I sigh as I have done every day.

"Just a few more months." She comforts.

"I know. It's just-" I pause not knowing what to say.

"Just what?" Mom asks. It's just not different. And it has been for the last six months.

"Nothing. It's just school." I breathe. I jump out the car and throw my bag over my shoulder.

Just school.


"Your S.A.T'S are coming up and I expect all of you to study hard and-"

Freaking assembly's. Wasting my time and precious life. Our school principle continues to drag on about our exams and how we should study, I think that half of the Senior year has fallen asleep. We've been in here for half an hour and he's just repeating himself but using synonyms.

I close my eyes.

For what seems like two seconds was acctually twenty minutes. I hear the shuffle if feet and jolt upwards. I follow the remaining students out of the hall.

What am I going to say in the speech? Well I have a few more months to think about it. I'm not even worried about the exams, I feel like I know too much.

I arrive at my locker and grab out my science book. How fun. I don't mind Milo now. He's become a good friend but Hunter, Carter, Kai and Jen don't like him and they won't tell me why.

I plonk on my science seat and Milo soon joins me after. We did go on another date but we just studied and we haven't been on one since. There have been times when Milo has tried to kiss me and there gave been tines when it worked and others when it didn't.

"Can I speak to you?" Milo whispers whilst we jot some notes down about atoms. "In private?" He asks quieter.


"I'll speak to you after class." He replies and continues to wrote his notes.

OK then?


"What's up Milo?" I ask.

"Well, we've known each other for some time now..." Where is he going with this? If he's going down the path I think he's going, I will murder him.

"... and I was wondering that maybe you'll be my girlfriend?" What?! Why am I thinking this?

"What?!" I almost shout.

"OK. This isn't going as well as I planned." Damn right it isn't.

"Milo, I'm sorry but I'm not looking to be in a relationship with the exams and graduation. It's pointless." I smile an apology and walk out of the school and jump in my mom's car.

"Hi mom." I say and she copies. We pull out of the parking lot and head down to Elijah's school.

"I'm going to pick Elijah up and I'm dragging you with me because you know just how much he loves you and you haven't seen him for a week."

"That's fine. I wasn't going to complain." I say.

"Oh good!" She breathes. "You looked pretty pissed when you got out of school so I thought I'll tell you incase you'd blow up on me when we got there." She laughs.

"Seeing Elijah again will cheer me up." I admit.

"I haven't seen you happy for months Robyn." She says concerned.

"I know. It's just time." I reply. "Time and school."


"Robyn!" Elijah screams as he runs up to me. He jumps in my arms and I give him probably the biggest hug I'd ever give someone.

It feels like forever since I have seen him. He went on a camping trip with school and he just got back today.

"Hey beast! How was your camping trip?" I ask when I place him back on the floor.

"It was SO good! We stayed up and had marshmallows around the campfire and we went in the zip wire and we saw loads of animals and there was a spider in my tent and-"

"Woah beast. Calm down and take a breath! You have plenty of time to tell me all of your crazy adventures." I laugh and he grins back at me while laughing.

We walk back to the car and return home.


BOOM another update. Damn I am ON FIRE with these new chapters.

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