Chapter 8: What just happened?

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It takes us five minutes to get from one end to the other. We see Ollie and Hunter a few meters in front of us.

We plod over and walk into the store which is already opened. Carter and I walk in and place the things onto the floor.

"Right, fill these two packs with paint and the other two with the glue and the final two with mayonnaise." Carter says. "We have a bag if feathers each. Did you guys get the sugar?" She asks Hunter and Ollie. They nod in unison. "Brilliant! Right we have a sack of sugar between two, correct? And that's also two jars of mayonnaise between too?" She asks and then nods due to the confirmation.

"Right, we'll have the groups we started off with. Ollie and Robyn, you guys cover this half of the mall; we'll cover the other side. Make sure you're on the next floor above as the top floor is completely blocked off, even to the guards. So stay on the high floor. You guys start to fill up the three packs you have with the assigned substances. Hunter and I will go and will up the others in our base OK?" We all nod together. "Good. Remember to stay out of sight and make sure to use all of your materials. You might want to wear gloves. We'll see you guys out side, or in jail. Who knows?"

Hunter and Carter head out and close the door behind them, leaving me and Ollie in the darkness until he gets his flashlight out. Ollie hands me a pair of gloves. Then we start to fill up the water balloons.

"Well this is new." I say breaking the silence and pushing up my glasses.

"It'll be fun, I promise." He says. We fill the balloons with the paint, glue and mayonnaise.

"Have you ever been caught doing this?" I ask.

"Yeah." He replies laughing.

"How many times?" I ask.

"Over the year or since the first time I did this?" I roll my eyes and reply.

"Since you first did it." I say.

"12." He replies. My mouth falls open. "What?" He asks.

"Nothing. 12? That many?" I ask shocked.

"I was very crap in the beginning as I didn't have anyone to help me on the way unlike you. You have me and the others to help."

"How many times since you started doing this with the other then?"

"Once." He replies.


"Have you finished filling the balloons up?" Ollie asks.

"Yeah." I reply then push up my glasses.

"I have a bucket we can carry them in." We put all the balloons into the bucket; I carry up the remaining feathers." We silently reach the next floor up, careful not to bump into any guards in the mall. Ollie picks the lock to a clothing store and we shut the door silently behind us. Ollie places the buckets onto the floor and I just drop the packets of feathers.

"What do we do now?" I ask

"We wait for Carter to call saying she's ready to start. Then we check with Jen to see if any of the targets are nearby, if they are we shoot them with the balloons. If not, we hunt them on this floor. When they find us, be abandon everything then run out the entrance and hope none will catch us." He says.

"Alright then." I slide down a wall in the shop and Ollie soon follows. I tilt my head back and stare at the ceiling. "What time is it?" I ask. Ollie pulls up the sleeve of his jacket to look at his watch.

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