Chapter 16: Revenge Is A Bitch!

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"Carter!" I shout pulling her away from her ramble. She flicks her head towards me.

"What?" She breathes.

"I don't want to hear about it!" I say.

"Fine!" Carter snaps. I look around the school cafeteria and see that Carter and I are the only ones at the table. I don't know where Ollie and Hunter are. We never see much of Jen and Kai. The last time I saw them was earlier this week when they were breaking into some room. Probably to pull another prank on the principle... I swear, he is oblivious to anything that happens around this school. The group have a monthly prank thing going on. They always prank one of the teachers in the school. This week Jen and Kai decided to prank Mr. Wilkes (Principle) for the third time this month. When I next saw Mr. Wilkes, he had no hair... How they did that, I do not know my fellow chums.

I seriously said chums...

 "What's going on between you and Ollie?" She asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he looked super pissed not that long ago, you know with the locker rooms and shit." She says and I bite my lip to keep myself from laughing.

The memory of his face gets me everytime. I still have the picture. It's an important picture. Who knows when I might need to use it to black mail Ollie?

"Well that, my friend, is a story for another time." I say in a posh accent and tapping her nose.

"Ugh! Don't go all secretive on me. You're my only best girl-friend." She whines as I roll my eyes.

"Too bad." Ollie and Hunter are pushing each other around as they approach our table. Ollie knows that I was pretending to be pissed at him to prank him. As soon as he found the note in his locker today, he confronted me about it and I just burst out laughing because he genuinely looked mad.

My locker slams shut causing me to flinch away. A furious looking Ollie stands there with his hand pressing against my locker and in his other hand is a piece of paper.

"What the hell is this?" He booms. He was actually really loud... Several people around us stop with their conversations and turn towards us.

"What?" I ask. Ollie thrusts the paper in front of my face and I realize it's the note I left in his locker.

"This!" He hisses.

"I have no idea what that is." I reply innocently and I have to bite my lip from showing and signs of amusement.

"Don't lie. You put this in my locker. Were you really pissed at me?" He asks.

"What are you on about?" I say holding in a chuckle.

"Don't lie." He repeats. "What is this shit?" He asks with his fury rising and by now a few more students have stopped to watch us. Without any control, I let out the laugh I've been holding in since he arrived at my locker looking pissed. He looks at me with a confused expression and ends up growing impatient. He lets out a sigh and waits until I've calmed down.

But every time I look at him and see his expression, the shower incident just replays in my head! Shit! I should shut up now.

"You done yet?" Ollie asks as soon as my laughter dies down. He leans against the lockers facing me.

"One minute." I say. When I look back at his face the memory comes flooding back and I end up laughing again. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I mirror Ollie and look towards him. "OK. Now I'm done." I reply.

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