Chapter 17: The Ultimate Prank!

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Right... Two points to go. Two points to go then I've won. Ollie on the other hands had one point to go. This is making me too paranoid.

Ollie got me three times in two days. How did that happen? He next got me when I was in gym. He decided to put dye in my shampoo thus my bright blue hair! It doesn't look that bad, I just miss my wonderful natural hair. He then got me twice yesterday when I was walking into my house by replacing my keys with his. My mom has the other key. He then decided to put a tub of mud right behind my house gate so when I walked through, I tripped and landed face first in the mud.

Ass hole...

So here I am brain storming anything to get back at him.                                             


But it requires a certain sprinkle of creativity from the least expected people. Jen and Kai.

I pick up my phone and dial Kai's number.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Do you know where Ollie lives?"

"Um... Yeah why?"

"Kai I need your help."

"What with?"


"Umm... I don't know."

"Please? I need you and Jen to help."


"It's pranking Ollie."

"What's the catch?" Ugh! Why do people assume there's going to be a catch?


"OK. Done"

"Sweet.  Meet me by the diner in an hour." I say.

"Do we need to bring anything?" He asks.

"Just your pranking expertise." I say. We both hang up. Well, tomorrow's going to be an eventful day for Ollie. I watch some T.V. to pass the time.

It's nearly an hour after I called Kai so I grab my shoes and pull a coat on. My mom's still downstairs watching T.V.

"Mom I'm going out for a few hours." I say whilst popping my head into the room.

"Where you going?" She asks whilst eating ice cream.

"Getting revenge on Ollie and winning the war between us."  I expect her to refuse to let me out.

"OK, have fun. And do tell me how the war ends." She says smiling at me. OK then...

I head into the kitchen to get the saran wrap and whipped cream. I then got to the closet to get as much newspaper and sticky notes as possible and push them into a backpack. I grab the plastic cups and bottles of water then I sling the bag over my shoulder and open the door.

"Bye!" I shout behind me as I close the door. The cold air pierces my skin as soon as I step out. I walk down the street in the direction of the diner. After a few minutes I arrive and see Jen and Kai standing there having a hushed conversation.

"Alright, Jen and Kai I have thought of a brilliant prank to pull on Ollie." It's exactly 1:15 and Jen, Kai and I are outside the diner.

"What's the plan?" Jen asks.

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