Chapter 33: Harry Potter Obsessions

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I sit there staring at my note pad. What to write? What to write? How do you start a graduation speech? Do you address them? Do you just congratulate them on getting through the easiest part of life? What do I do?

I can't focus, I have too many things on my mind. Milo and I are back to being friends but he thinks that we're dating and I know for a fact that we are not. He insists on taking me on dates. He wants to 'make out' and hold hands when we're together.

I don't. I want to finish studying for my final exam and get my graduation speech ready in two weeks time. I want to apply to colleges as the deadline is TOMORROW!

So far, I've applied to two colleges, Cambridge, the best in England and NYU. I'm terrible with colleges so I might just apply to any college which is offering me good courses.

I pick up my phone and call Carter. She doesn't answer I then call Jen and she doesn't answer either.

I call Hunter and he answers on the third ring.

"Hunter speaking." Hallelujah!

"That's how you answer your phone?" I ask.

"Well I have caller I.D on so you won't need to say 'hello' as if it were a question. And who answers the phone with a question? It's weird." He mumbles.

"You're weird." I reply.

"Thank you. So what's up?" He asks.

"I need your help." There's a pause.

"The infamous Robyn Stellar needs Hunter's help? How very odd." He says sarcastically.

"Haha very funny. So will you help me?"

"Sure what do you need?" Hunter asks.

"How do you write a graduation speech?" I ask.

"Start with hello."

"Why? You didn't." I laugh.

"Haha bloody ha."

"I think you been watching too much Harry Potter." I laugh. For the past month, Hunter has been obsessed with Harry Potter. He won't
stop reading or watching it. One time I asked him how much he was obsessed with it on a scale of 1 to 10 and he replied with: 'Nine and three quarters."

"Don't mock me. I'll get that Hogwarts letter and you'll regret laughing at me." He hisses. Ha! See? Obsessed! Poor Carter has been sexually frustrated for a whole month. Her words not mine!

Hunter and Carter have been dating for seven months now and are still going strong.

"Geez! Sorry Potter. I'm sure you'll get it." I laugh. But he doesn't reply.

"Did you start with hello?" He asks after a few seconds if silence.

"Yeah. Now what?" I ask.

"Say something on how the year has gone by quickly." Alright.

"Yeah? Anything else you can give me?" I ask.

"Refer back to your childhood when you wanted to grow up and how you wish you could still chase fireflies when you go camping. Just think of something sappy yet funny." He suggests.

"But I'm neither sappy nor funny." I complain.

"No complaining! I'm staying on this call until you finish your speech." I try to argue back but he refuses.

"OK!" I sigh after three minutes of arguing.

"Alright. So now you want to explain how we have dreams and they may be coming true." I jot something along those lines down and that's how the rest of the night continues.

"Thank you so much Hunter! It's really good. You may as well be doing this speech not I." I laugh.

"Just feel lucky. I gave up the Goblet of Fire just for you." It's his favorite one.

"OK, well I'll make it up to you." I laugh.

"You better mud blood!" He jokes. OK so I know nothing about Harry Potter except for the fact that he's a wizard. I've seen the movies like once but I've never read the books even though they're on my bookshelf.

"What's a mud blood?" I ask and Hunter gasps so loud, I have to pull the phone from my ear. Yeah. A gasp. That loud!

"It's not a term one usually hears in civilised conversation." He yelps and hangs up. But not before telling me to read the books.

I read through my speech one last time and flip my laptop open to apply to seven more colleges.


I lay staring up at the ceiling on the couch in my living room.

What if I'm not accepted into any of my colleges?

What if I'm just acctually a shit person?

What if my life is a dream and I'll acctually wake up in a pool of my own sweat, blood, shit, urine and vomit?

What if Ollie never left?

What if I never met him and I'm acctually insane and everyone is just a figment of my imagination.

"Mom?" I ask. She's sitting on the couch with some ice cream in her hands.

"What's up?" She asks.

"Is this real life?"

"Yep." She replies sucking on the spoon.

"Good." I say and avert my eyes to the ceiling.

"I'm going to bed." I announce after five minutes of silence.

"Good night!" She says.

I walk into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

When I walk into my room with my pyjamas I notice the Harry Potter books on my bookshelf aside my bed.

I open the book to page one.

'Mr and Mrs Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, we're proud to say they were perfectly normal thank you very much.'

A few chapters later, Harry's at Hogwarts.

"I'm hooked."


"Hey Robyn!" The guys say when I arrive at the cafeteria table.

"Shhhhh!" I yell. In currently on the fourth book and I started exactly 37 hours ago. I've barley slept since Harry got to Hogwarts.

"What's that you're reading!"

"Shhhhh!" I yell even louder.

"Is Robyn reading Harry Potter?!" Hunter gasps.

"Shush! Harry's just heard the Weaslys' come through the Dursley's fire place using floo powder." I try to silence them.

Hunter runs around to where in sitting and starts to read the book too.

"Oh I love this bit." He giggles with joy.
"Me too!" I laugh.

"Oh not you too!" Carter nearly yells when she sees us reading Harry Potter.

"SHHHHH!"Hunter and I yell in unison. And with that they leave us be.


Thanks for reading again. I'm always grateful! Obviously.

This us like the third chapter I've posted today. I'm just so excited to share a paticular chapter with you guys and that's why I haven't stopped updating.

I hope you're enjoying Glasses and Tattoos as always.

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