Chapter 15: Let The Games Begin!

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Hunter and I wait by the lockers in the main hall with Ollie's bag and clothes piled in our arms.

"Right. Ollie should be coming around that corner any moment now." As soon as Hunter says now everyone in the corridor turns quiet and they all snicker. Some burst out laughing. Others cover their faces to prevent themselves from laughing. A furious looking Ollie turns the corner with a towel hanging loose off his hips.

I would admire the set of toned abs and defined pecks heading towards Hunter and I, but the humiliation and anger on Ollie's face causes Hunter and me to look at each other with our mouths agape and burst out laughing as soon as we look back at Ollie. He storms over to us looking pissed. His hair is tousled and wet from the shower he just had. Drops of water run down his torso and across his muscles. I notice he has tattoos on his rib cage trailing around his back. The black swirls cover most of his torso and they're all I can see on him at the moment. On his arms he has various symbols tracing down to his wrist which are surrounded by several different colors.Wow... I had no idea.

"What happened Ollie?" Hunter asks sarcastically. "Did someone take your clothes causing you to roam the school halls half naked?" He asks mocking his surprise. I try to hold back the laugh fighting to burst out of my lungs but I can't. It's impossible. I drop the clothes and clutch my stomach and laugh so hard. When I think I've calmed down I look back to Ollie and I can't control the laughter erupting from my mouth.

"S-shit! I'm-I'm gonna die!" I say between each roar. I wipe the tears from my eyes and look back to Ollie. My laughs calmed into giggles. I look back at Hunter, then back at Ollie then back at Hunter and we spontaneously burst out into a fit of roaring laughter again.

Ollie patiently stands there waiting for us to calm. We eventually do, after we pulled out our phone to take a photo of him which just pisses him off further.

"I would be lying if I didn't say this Ollie." I breathe. I look down at his body and back to his face. "But, you are looking way too hot right now." I say and I see the blank expression looking back at me.

"Clothes. Now." He growls. Hunter and I can't calm so we ignore his demands. "Robyn! Hunter!" He shouts. We both turn to the very enraged Ollie who are glaring at us. If looks could kill Hunter and I would be dead men. Men? Mans? Man and woman? Anyway we would both be dead.

"What's up Ollie?" I ask innocently. I probably shouldn't have done that because Ollie is incredibly pissed. I can feel the wrath just radiating off of him. It's just coming all at once and bombarding my bubble.  

"Colthes!" He snarls through gritted teeth. I reluctantly obey and hand him the clothes and Hunter gives him the bag. Ollie storms back off to the changing rooms. His tattoos cover his back as well.

Ollie: 1

Robyn: 1

 As soon as Ollie is no longer in vision, Hunter and I lurch into painful fits of laughter. Again. We both clutch our stomachs and I open the picture of Ollie which causes us to laugh even harder. I end falling onto the floor and erupt into a louder laugh. My actions cause Hunter to join me on the floor.

"Shit." I breathe.

"I'm gonna die." Hunter roars. Carter walks in front of us and looks at us in a confused manner.

"What's up with you two?" She asks.

"Show her the picture Robyn." Hunter breathes. I nod and show her the picture of a half nude Ollie with a pissed face. He mouth drops open in shock and she lets a little giggle erupt from her.

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