Chapter 29: A New 'Friend'

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Coming to school on Monday is the worst and knowing that Ollie isn't here doesn't help. I was hoping it was all a dream when I woke up this morning but Ollie's keys were on my bedside table.

I wish he didn't give me his truck. It makes my hope for his return slowly vanish every time I see it. Every time I see a piece of Ollie.

Walking down the corridor to my locker brings a cloud over me. From the memories of kisses we shared, to our final night, bring a smile to my face. Images of Ollie smiling, laughing and being well... Ollie, flicker through my mind, as well as the time I told him about the jerk from a previous school.

Walking into the library brings the memories of when I was hiding from him and the accidental kiss we shared.

Walking into the canteen reminds me of when I first met everyone and flicking my eyes to the tree outside where we both listened to music.

Walking into science first period was hard because it's where we first met.

"Hey." The sound of Jen's voice alerts me from my intense reading. I look up at her and she smiles.

"Hi." I reply just as casually.

"I haven't seen you all day, I heard you were only in first period too." She says as she pulls back the chair opposite me and sits down.

"I'm not really feeling school right now." I say and close my book.

"When are you feeling school?" She asks with a smile.

"Ugh gosh I know! Plus we have shit loads of tests next week and I just cannot be bothered to study for them."

"Like you need to study." Jen laughs.

"Just because I missed a grade doesn't mean that I don't need to study."

After that we fall into a short silence until:

"Hey!" The sound of a male voice breaks our silence. I look up and see that guy. I think his name is Mark? Or is it Micheal? I don't know. I can't remember. I think is actually might be Jason. Something along those lines.

"Hi." I say and turn back to my reading whilst Jen continues to look at her calculus homework.

"Can I sit here?" He asks.

"Sure. Why not?" I reply but still read my exciting world of physics.

"So... what you reading there?" He asks after a long awkward silence. If this guy is actually here to have a conversation then Lord help me now!

"If your here for petty small talk, just move your ass somewhere else because I'm trying to study." I breathe in hopes that he will actually move because his presence is starting to annoy me now.

"Woah. Calm OK?" He laughs. Oh Jen if you can hear me, please help!

I look over to Jen and see that she's smiling at me.

"Right! I better go. I've got a... thing." She says and stands up.

"What thing?" I ask. Please stay and don't leave with this Jerk who spilt gravy on me my first day! I silently beg.

"You know... The thing." She replies and walks off waving me goodbye.

I don't look back at what's-his-face. I honestly can't remember his name.

"Can I help you?" I ask him trying to get him to LEAVE!

"Nope... I'm good actually. Just enjoying the view." He laughs. Ew! Is he trying to flirt or get his balls shoved up his ass? This guy makes me sick.

"Brilliant." I sigh. Please let the fire bell ring. Please let it ring. PLEASE! Anything that will help me get out of here and away from this Bill guy... I will gladly take it.

As if my prayers have been answered, the bell for next period rings and I've never been so enthusiastic about putting a book away.

I quickly jump up but the Darren person blocks me from moving.

"Milo." He says and offers his hand to me. I try not to gag because he smells like he hasn't brushed his teeth for three weeks. I hesitate when I shake his hand and introduce myself. It's times like now that I wish I carry hand sanitizer with me everywhere.

"I need to go to next period." I mumble and wait for him to move. I honestly think that he's been standing there for three minutes staring at me and holding my hand.

Milo shakes his head and steps out of the way to let me past. I nod at him in a thank you as I walk past but his voice stops me this time. At least it's better than him touching me again.

"It's nice to formally meet you Robyn." He smiles. It's a good smile, I must admit. I stare at him blankly and throw him a quick smile to make him feel like he has accomplished something.

I've gotten out of this library quicker than I've ever gotten to the peanut butter at Walmart.


Finally finished the chapter... The chapters will definitely be a bit slower until the drama picks up... These are just the foundations for what's about to come in about the next four chapters.

I hope you're enjoying this and make sure you check out 'Great Un-Expectations' which is the new story I've recently started... I did just metion this in the Author's Note... and I will keep on doing so.

Thanks for reading...

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