Chapter 21: Carter's, Not So Secret, Secret And A Crap Wardrobe

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"Ew no. Robyn, you are not wearing that." Carter shouts in disgust whilst throwing the shirt on my bed with the rest of the mountain of clothing.

"What's wrong with the checkers?" I ask whilst trying the help prevent the sudden mess my room will experience if this carries on.

"What isn't wrong with it? Honestly Rob, don't you have at least a decent peice of clothing you can throw into an outfit?" She complains.

"I don't see why I just can't wear my usual baggy shirt with jeans and sneakers." I sigh whilst slumping on, what was once my bed, now a mound of material.

"Robyn! Snap out of it. You are about to go on a date with 'Ollie Calar'. The only guy in school who doesn't seek out female attraction unless it's you." What?

"What do you mean by 'unless it's me'?"

"Are you seriously that oblivious?"

"Oblivious to what exactly?" Now I'm definitely confused.

"Ugh." Carter groans and throws a shirt in my face. "Ollie is crazy about you. He never stops yammering on about 'Robyn should come.' 'Has anyone seen Robyn?' 'I wonder what Robyn is doing right now.'!" She mimics in a deep, manly voice but sounds more like a baby Hulk.

"Bullshit." No way does Ollie do that. He doesn't like me that much. Does he?

"Nope. Complete and utter truth. Even ask Hunter, Kai and Jen."

"What about you and Hunter? Hm. Or are you really that oblivious?" I stand and walk towards her.

"What are you on about?" She asks innocently.

"Oh don't think I don't know. I am fully aware of that twinkle you get where Hunter's name is mentioned in conversation. Don't you think I don't know that you secretly have a crush on Hunter."

She doesn't reply.

"I knew it! I totally knew it! You have a crush on Hunter." I tease and her cheeks start to pink.

"Fine. OK! I have a crush on Hunter." She admits. "But this isn't about Hunter and I. It's about you and Ollie. Now, because you seriously have the worst wardrobe known to man kind. I will let you borrow some of my clothes. So I will be back in two minutes because I only live across the street." Carter announces as she starts to walk out my room.

"You don't have to do th-."

"Robyn, I seriously do." And with that she walks out.



Better than nothing. So here some of it is.

The next section of this chapter which is taking me forever to quite will definitely be up within the next 3-5 days.

I'm sorry for the long wait. But honestly, the smaller chapters will be a lot better than the original because it is seriously and incandensently crap.

Thanks for reading.

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