Chapter 54 Sisters

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As Zack moved towards the guild hall exit, he noticed his friends along with Brandon leaving the vice captain's office. Without hesitation he quickly  approached them to ask, 'what they were doing in there.'

"The vice captain was just debriefing us on our next mission." Abby responded to his enquiry.

"I wonder why she picked me instead of you? This mission is suited for someone with your skills Zack." Brandon complained.

"Maybe it's because Zack actually defeated a strong opponent and returned with a totem." Tesla commented on Brandon's statement. "I wouldn't be surprised if next week he is a rank above you."

"Like that will happen..." Brandon responded before storming off.

"See you at later." Abby chuckled.

"Shut up." Brandon responded as he faded into the crowd.

Before they could continue talking  a man suddenly approached them. The three saluted him with Abby and Zack having cheerful smiles whilst, Tesla showed a slight smirk. "Can you guys stop that, I'm not a seated officer you know."

"Don't be so negative you can do it." Tesla stated with a smirk. "Besides, you are the only other person other than me who is capable."

Abby upon hearing this hit Tesla with her elbow. "Are you forgetting someone?"

"Nope." Tesla answer unapologetically.

"Is this about Phile?" The man asked Zack as Abby chased Tesla around.

"Yes it is sir." Zack replied confidently.

The two watched as Abby tried strangling Tesla, who happily evaded her grip. Zack laughed a little wiping his eyes sometimes.

That is not a tear of joy is it? The senior knight observed.

"Well Zack our two day patrol of Peak town starts now, meet me outside okay." He stated as he left the group. "I'll see you two around. Do your best out there okay."

"Yes Mr Langa!" Abby shouted with Tesla smiling besides her. The senior knight fade into the passage way with Zack slowly following behind. The young Mamba waved goodbye to his friends before running off.

As the two waved back, the door behind them suddenly opened. "I wish you guys could talk somewhere else. Why does it have to be in front of my office?"

"Sorry madam." Abby quickly apologized with Tesla simply bowing his head. As They left Electra's, Holo caster started beeping. On it was a message from a person called Marope.

"Of all things to happen today." She exhaled deeply before closing the door and using her mercury to lock it. "Now I have to fetch Maya."

As the day went by the stars came out of hiding whilst, the sun continued on it's long journey around the world. Electra along with Maya sat at the train station waiting for a train to arrive.

Maya sat on the next bench to leave some room for Electra. She shifted her eyes around looking for something to talk about with  her elder sister. Suddenly a train arrived and this prompted Electra to check her watch.

"I wonder if the trains use the same system as the cars?" She mumbled to herself, not knowing her sister heard her.

People passed by as Maya sat still looking forward. She swung her legs back and forth while she played around with her attribute. Thirteen minutes of silence elapsed before Electra took a deep breath. "Fine..." She said.

This caused Maya to turn her way. "Huh." She motioned in confusion.

"I said I'll tell you, geez you are so noisey." This caused Maya to shrink back in her chair. "While the cars on the road rely on the driver's own alchemic energy trains however, use energy found in the atmosphere...This was done to prevent crashes due human exhaustion, since they carry exported goods and people over long distances."

As Electra finished explaining she noticed a little boy running. Immediately after, the citizen police followed him. Before she could react, magical attacks flew towards the boy. Each of them hit him causing him to fall on the concrete. The citizen police quickly pinned him down by placing their knees on his back before, cuffing him with anti-alchemy energy cuffs.

"Let me go!" The boy shouted as he struggled to break free. "I need to get back home, mom is sick."

"That's enough from you wretch." Someone spoke as they walked over to the police. "Abnormals have no right to talk back to the authorities. You are going to rot in jail like the vermin you are."

One of the police officers clapped his hands as his partner forcefully lifted the child. They tore his pants in the process, causing the other people around to laugh at him.

"No please ma'am I had to steal that for mama. We don't have mone-"

"You still talking back." The lady interrupted as she punched him in the abdomen. "Take him away bo-."

"That's enough Marope!" Maya finally spoke. Before she could take a step further Electra put her hand in front of Maya.

"Shut up! Know your place abnormal!" Electra shouted. Maya saw the fierce look on her sister's face, causing her to step back.

"Oh my is that my little sister? Long time no see Maya." Marope spoke as she walked towards the other side of the train tracks.

How is she able to walk on air without using her attribute? What type of technique is this? Maya watched in shock.

"Stop ignoring me Marope." Electra added as she clenched her fist.

"I don't speak to vermin weaker than me. And please call me big sister when you speak to me." Marope added as she got closer. While she approached the two, Marope kept raising her energy output.

"Each step is a massive increase in power." Maya commented. "Just how strong is she?"

When Marope was just face to face with Electra the elder sister looked down at her sibling. "If you cannot match my power, don't order me around. Mommy and daddy are not here to protect you." She whispered into Electra's ear. "Let's go home and let these fine young gentlemen deal with that, my dear sister."

Maya looked back as she watched the boy struggle to escape. I may have improved in the past months, but I'm still not strong enough. She thought as they left the station.

As the police loaded the boy on to the transport vehicle, water spears flew right through them in an instant. One of them dies instantly while the other one begged the boy to help him.

"Why should I help you?" He responded as he watched the man die.

"Trying to help your mother but, the knights just don't understand. How unfortunate my sweet child." The person stated.

"Who are you?" The boy asked. The man immediately removed his purple hood revealing his face. Upon seeing his face, the boy's mouth widened.

"Someone who has a lot of connections " He added as he stepped into the light. "I can save your mother and all you have to do is...come with me."


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