Chapter 50 Luyengo

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The golden fields of grass decorated the gentle sloping hills of the Luyengo town. However, upon closer inspection one finds burnt up areas caused by wild fires.

This can be caused by two people fighting each other using their attributes or a fire gone out of control.

Becca and her team were resting on some chairs made from tree magic. Their clothes and faces had black patches of sooth. Becca sat at a distance from the others.

"Smelling good over there." Teased a young boy. He had orange hair and freckles on his light skin.

"That is better than being called a grandma by you Tevin." Becca replied to much of his suprise. Lola on the other hand just watched as she enjoyed the cool shade.

"If everything is settled let's return to Luyengo. I'm sure the mayor is expecting us." Becca ordered.

"I difficult to believe that  places like this still exist. Winter truly is wonderful." Lola stated.

"Yeah for you. I get colds during this time of the year. The quicker we get back to civilization, the better." Tevin commented as he rubbed his nose. Becca openly laughed annoying him further.

"That's is what you get for calling old." Becca stated smuggishily.

For someone so proud she sure is self-conscious about her age. I wonder why? Lola pondered.

Suddenly, Becca's nose picked up a scent of something troubling. Instinctively she began to run towards the town.

"What's happening?" Tevin asked before the answer showed itself in the form of a huge pillar, rising towards the sky. "Dammit!"

"We have to hurry." Lola stated as she created a giant tree. It used it's branches to grab the group and carry them towards the village quickly. The tree soared through the sky like a serpent shaped dragon.

Something about this scent is familiar. Becca thought. The wind blew her hair all over the place.

"Bring all the Masekos who live here to me."  Leo ordered. The Mamba warriors quickly rushed to all the residential areas where a Maseko clansmen lived.

Soon, people were being dragged to the center of town where he was. The method at which they were taken varied.

Little children were pulled on the rough gravel while men were lightly stabbed with spears. The women were tossed about like toys, even when they were carrying babies.

The elderly were left alone due to a certain rule the Mamba clan lived by. Leo was not a fan of this but, it was necessary in avenging his mentor.

"It's in your blood. Mamba's are ruthless murderers. Embrace it and kill that puppy." Leo thought of what his father use to tell him. "I guess it's time I listened to those words. I'm sorry Ozen but, waiting is not going to help. I will get the information by force that is the only way."

As the people huddled up together they all faced Leo with terrified facial expressions. Babies cried and some of the Mamba warriors threatened to kill the mothers if they didn't shut up.

"I came here to settle a score." Leo spoke as a vortex around him began to blow debri around the area. Some of the Mamba warriors stepped back fearing the raw power, even  if the vortex is still small. "You will tell me who are the people who conspired to kill my mentor. Speak up or some of you will die."

"It wasn't us, great Mamba sir." Said an elderly person in the crowd, while the others begged. The Mamba warriors on the other hand were laughing at their misfortune. Some even mocked them.

"Really are you saying that you don't secretly hate us? Our clan did betray yours after all. Plus the anger in that boy's eyes was to convincing to be fake." Leo replied  furiously sending an attack at a nearby store destroying it completely. All that remained was saw dust which rained down.

"Um, Uncle Leo." Someone from the Mamba clan approached cautiously.

"What Mael?"  Leo spoke.

"I was wondering if I could pick the people to kill?" Mael replied. With a simple nod Mael quickly rushed to the crowd. He grabbed a little girl from her mother's arms and dragged her across gravel towards Leo. He then threw her at his feet causing her to land badly.

The girl had scratches everywhere with blood leaking out. The denim overall and the pink T-shirt she wore underneath were covered in dust.

She slowly looked up at Leo with a frightened look on her face. Once she got to the face she found a pair of red eye glaring down at her. Although she was scared she also felt a similar aura being produced by Leo.

He is sad and scared. She thought. I was like that as well when papa died.

Some of the Maseko men held the mother back to prevent this situation from becoming worse. "Don't be stupid he is the leader of one of the ten great clans of Ngwane."

"Don't worry child I'll be swift and painless as possible." Leo stated as he created a vortex sword on his right hand.

"No not my baby." The mother whale as the men pinned her to the ground.

"I need Intel not apologize!" Leo replied as he begun to swing his arm.

"Please somebody help my child" The mother begged while the rest of the  Mambas laughed at her begging. With Leo's hand coming closer the little girl closed her eyes.

Suddenly the girl vanished just before Leo could touch the her. A mysterious object moved her out of the way.

"We Mambas are murderers anyone who messes with us us an enemy." Leo thought as he spotted who just arrived. Becca appeared out of nowhere whilst carrying the child. A big tree grew from where she came from.

"What is the meaning of this?"

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