Chapter 35 Captain Team

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Lion and Linda entered the throne room together after beating the royal guards.  They found Mason sitting on his throne as three individuals stood around him. One of them was Lady T who stood on his left smiling confidently. The other two were Wyet and Nana.

All these three were as powerful as them. "Welcome Ngwane knights to my throne room. Sit down and enjoy the show." Mason proclaimed to them. He smirked proudly knowing that they are useless against him.

Before Lion could activate his magic, he found himself smashed on the wall behind him. Nana stood in front of him looking all serious. Lion could see her veins shaping her skin as she prepared another attack.

Linda was shocked by Nana's speed. "Such power." She added as she turned her head towards the others. She saw Wyet step forward as he smiled seductively. Lightning surged throughout his right arm while he prepared to attack her.

She activated her force magic shield to block the attack but, somehow the lightning passed through it destroying the shield in the process. She used her magic to soften the landing but, the attack wounded her waist. Her uniform began to turn crimson while smoke emanated from her.

Seeing someone he called a sister hurt, Lion trapped Nana within a mercury prison before he focused on Wyet. He solidified it to prevent Nana from escaping while, he created spears that he quickly l launched at Wyet. "Defense and offense at the same time. You really deserve to be a captain." Wyet commented.

Wyet simply activated bolt vision six which allowed him to see the path of fast moving spells. With little effort he dodged the attacks easily. Unfortunately for him they flew towards Linda who deflected them back with her force magic.

Wyet noticed very late that the package was returning to the sender. When he dodged one of them stabbed his shoulder.

"Come on you useless pieces of trash. It's two versus three!" Mason shouted as he moved to the center of the room. He looked at Nana who suddenly appeared outside of the mercury. " You use your teleportation magic to get them." Immediately after Nana kicked both Linda and Lion towards a nearby wall where a shadow hand tried to catch them.

Using her force magic Linda push it away and Lion's mercury magic softened the landing. "If you are this strong,  why are you hurting your own people? Why not attack every nation with the man you have." Asked Linda as rocks flew around her.

"To prove him wrong. That old man told me that I can never be a ruler. Now using the very people he loved more than me I'm going to gain more power. I will conquer this continent using their souls."

After that exchange Mason started chanting an incantation. Linda blasted him with her force beam, however Lady T blocked it easily. "We can't let you disturb my king." Said Lady T proudly as she walked up to them.

"No matter how you look at it we are out numbered." Stated Lion as the three surrounded them. "However, backup is on the way." He continued as a torrent  of flames pushed the three back. From the black portal at which they came, Trinity appeared along with Sebe.

"Precious what is the meaning this?" Asked Lady T. Both her and Nana knew that if she turned against them they would be fighting an up hill battle.

"I'm here to fight for the people of this nation. I'm here to do what is right and that is destroying your stupid plan." She proudly proclaimed as Trinity smiled behind her. With that she manifested shadow hands from behind her which she sent at the trio.

Lady T made hers to counter Sebe's attack. Wyet used this chance to attack her however Trinity blocked his attack effortlessly. "As a fellow Clansmen I was hoping we could talk."  Stated Trinity as he pushed back Wyet with his own lightning attack. 

"This is our chance, Linda we leave Mason to you."  Said Lion as he launched mercury bullets at Nana. Nana quickly teleported everywhere trying to avoid them. When she teleported in front of Lion he immediately trapped her in some mercury before punching her across the room. "That's payback for earlier."

"You've gotten stronger." At that moment she realized that some mercury was attached to her which dragged her out of the castle and  in to the danger zone. Nana managed to teleport back but she was met with a stray thunder bolt from the fight between Trinity and Wyet. He is able to predict combat decisions. Does he poses the seven bolt eye? Wyet thought.

At that moment the light show outside turned red. This signalled the end of the chant. While,  Lady and Sebe fought in the shadow realm, she noticed this change and began to smile. Sebe noticed it as well prompting her to hurry up.

"It's too  late to change sides Sebe just give in to your darkness again and join us."Lady T suggested as she blocked a punch from Sebe. Sebe just smiled mocking the very words her opponents said.

"You will never understand me and my past. Unlike you a friend of mine has helped me face it head on instead of running away. The stupid persona you gave yourself is not going to hide your past forever  Tema." Sebe replied mockingly at her angered opponent.

"I'll get youuuuu!" Lady T shouted  as giant shadow swords appeared around her. "Swords of concealing shadows." She continued before launching them at Sebe.

"Force magic: Force Beam." Linda shouted as she  released a giant black beam from her right hand. Before it hit Mason he smiled a bit. The beam hit Mason sending him flying towards his throne. "Right on." She continued as the transmutation circle disappeared.

This stopped the fight as everyone stared at Mason.

" Masky look."  Mohale pointed out. The light show caused by the transmutation circle had stopped. "Why were we even worried it's such a drag." He continued as he lit his cigarette while it is in his mouth.

Suddenly a tremendous amount of energy surged throughout the castle. From where they were Maskaraid could sense it. "Our job is not over yet." She added as they saw the central part of the castle blow up.

"What drag, I can't seem to get a break."

Cody and Clement saw the bodies of the captains fly in separate directions. As the smoke cleared and dust settled a lone figure stood upon the destruction. Smiling proudly a creature which was neither man or magical beast reveled in it's power.

"The Ifrit." Clement stated as fire erupted from it's hair creating a bright light that chased away the darkness.

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