Chapter 40 Resolve

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As Nora cooked in the kitchen Cody was in the back yard training. He's been trying to create a fast long range movement, but unfortunately all his attacks move slowly. The fight between Ozen and Julius kept on looping in his head. "Hmm. It seems Cody has hit a wall." Nora commented before leaving the kitchen.

"Release." Cody shouted before he blasted a black ball at an old tree. The attack moved so slow that it ran out of power before reaching the destination. The ball soon became part of the air around it. "Ahhh. Why can't I reach the target?"

"Maybe it's because you forget the other components needed to do a long range attack. You won't get anywhere thinking like that." Said Nora as she took off her frilly, pink apron. "Think of it as a part you. For example mass can determine your speed and so does air pressure."

"I'm not sure what you are saying mom." Cody replied as he looked at his hands. Nora laughed because Cody already had way to do a simple long attack.

"If you can't figure out how to do it by sun down then you should forget about being a Magi." Nora pointed while smiling. "No pressure though. You got this son."

"I'm back." Sito announced before entering the house to go to his room. He had his hands in his pockets while he did so.

As Cody watched his mother return to house he looked at his right hand examining it. "I need to find Becca." Cody mumbled to himself as he followed his mother.
Later that day Zack acampanied Cody to Larze's grave. It's been a month since his death and the boy wanted to pay his respects.

Cody wore a tight black shirt coupled with a slim fit formal pants. He had exobus shoes which is a famous brand of formal wear in the country. Zack wore the exact same thing only he added a bow tie.

As they arrived to a series of graves surrounded by a wall fence, they noticed that the area extended all the way to the top of the mountains. "To think every other city in the country have this things." Zack noted before they spotted Maya along with Ayanda leaving the cemetery.

They turned the opposite direction away from Cody and Zack. As they were turning Cody saw Maya crying. "Let's go in. I don't want to bother her." Cody told Zack. They entered the steel gate and went directly to Larze's grave.

And there it was a giant stone angel with four wings on it's back. On it's right a sword and on it's left it bore a strange item.  Below were text written in the stone which read: To Larze the strongest and kind hearted knight to walk the land and an amazing father and husband.

Cody didn't know captain Larze that well, but from the words he hears from other and the interactions he had with him, Cody understood why so many people would grieve.

"I may have not known you alot, but I want to become a knight like you. You will forever be missed captain." Cody proclaimed as he knelt down in respect. Zack also mimicked Cody.

"You didn't have to walk me home Code." Zack told Cody. They were now in their casual clothing after changing at a nearby clothing store.

"It's the least I can do after what you did today. Besides there is something I wanted to ask your big sister." Cody replied making Zack slightly confused. Could it be a squad thing? Zack thought as they approached his house.

Zack's house was at the base of Zimba Mountain the place where magis are layed to rest. The Mamba territory surrounded and included the mountain. Zack's house was the biggest in the area. It was built from wood of a nearby forest by Ozen and his father back in the day.

The house was a double story with a balcony facing the other houses. All other house had one floor and faced the same path leading to Zack's house. In the distance you could see Midas city to the west and Brema even further in the lowlands of the east.

Cody noticed that the people around were looking at Zack. Cody noticed women snickering and whispering in each others ears. When he looked at his friend he noted that he was feeling down. "We should go on another adventure like the good old days."

"Yeah sounds exciting." Zack replied. He now had a tiny grin and his facial expression changed. He looked up towards the sky where the sun would set eventually. The road ahead is long, I wonder what's waiting for us down this path?

"Look at you playing out here instead of training." Said Becca who suddenly appeared behind the two boys. The rest of the people pretended like they were doing something. Both Zack and Cody were stiff as nails as they turned around to see who it was.

Lord and behold it was Becca in all her majesty. She had her usual bruises on her arms as she placed her hands on her hips. She wore a pitch black sports bra and ash black tight pants that complimented her figure.

"Big sis!" Zack responded quickly. He rubbed his own hair with his right hand after realizing what she came here to do.

"Dad is looking for you. Go now or he'll be mad and you don't want him to be mad." She told Zack before he scurried home quickly. Just before she followed, Cody stopped her. "What is it I'll be late for training?"

That response scared Cody a bit, but he had to reply now or he'll never get this chance today. "Becca could you tell me what are the other components needed for long range attacks?"

Becca simply smiled a little. "It's your attribute and world physics. Once you find a balance between the two you are set. For you I suggest improving the techniques you already know." She answered Cody's question. "I also got a question for you. Are you prepared to go down this road of being Magi after everything you've seen?"

Cody looked up at straight at her red eyes. Becca could feel the daggers coming from him just by looking at her. "After all I've seen why wouldn't I be willing. Besides my dream is not my own anymore, others have joined the train now."

Becca finally unleashed her signature smile before laughing. "Becca why aren't you at the training ground." Said Leo as he exited the house.

"S-Sorry dad, Cody was asking me if he can train with us." Upon hearing those words Cody freaked out because he knew what type of training Zack's father gives. "He wants to be the next Magi you see, just like his uncle."

"I've got fifteen kilogram bag of stones with his name on it and a mountain of destiny to climb with it. Bring him over." Leo replied happily. He was even laughing menacingly as well.

Becca lifted Cody over her shoulder dragging him to the training ground. Not only was Cody scared of what is to come, but also feared the pain after the training.

Hey how was the arc? I hope you enjoyed it. A bunch of new characters were introduced to the book. What did you think of them?

This is not the end though the journey continues.

Comments and votes will be very much appreciated. Thank you for reading this far😊

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