Chapter 69: The Truth

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Maskaraid and Azoth were moving around fortress mountain at high speeds. Sparks were created everytime their attacks clash. It surprised Maskaraid because her opponent was blocking the attack with their bare hands.

Those ancient Britannians were very good at their craft. I can't even break this with my attribute. I gotta hand it to those humans, they are good. Azoth thought, as he evaded one of the lightning slashes.

In the distance, Leo's fight with Rahab raged on. Everytime it used a breath attack, Leo used his vortex tornado to block it. Senzo on the other hand, kept on casting his 'crimson web' spell to try and restrain the monster. Even though it succeeded, he only provided a ten second window of attack. The Mamba clan leader used them to their fullest extent.

"Vortex alchemy: heavy drill!" Leo shouted, as he jumped at the monster. The vortex surrounded his body, as he attempted to pierce it. To his surprise, his attack only caused a minor scratch. However, he also noticed that it was not regenerating.

" The rest of it's body is soft and thus can regenerate," Leo analyzed while avoiding an attack from the monster. "However, it's lower body is harder and thus does not need regeneration to survive."

Leo blocked its giant tail with his hands and punch it away without using his attribute. "Even if I know that, I don't have a powerful spell that can pierce the skin, unless I amplify my power using the realm technique. But if I do that, everyone within a twenty mile radius of me, will die." Leo strategized, as he used Rahab's tail to block its breath attack. "As shameful as it is, I still can't control my realm."

Suddenly, from the sky a giant fireball landed on the monster. Leo looked towards the it to see who was the cause. To his surprise, he saw that it was Bafana the clan leader of the Dlaminis. He was muscular for a sixty three year and his short hair was starting to turn grey.

The man wore a white shirt with rolled up sleeves showing off his hairy arms. His shirt was tucked into blue pants. On his back was a long cape made of fire. It flowed majestically in the wind. " I thought I might come by and help my junior."

"Then don't blame me if you die. This guy is super strong." Leo laughed.

"I've been in many fights as a clan leader before, this is nothing to me." Bafana responded as his cape expanded and wrapped itself around Rahab. "My escorts are currently moving everyone else. You'll be able to use your realm pretty soon."

At that moment Rahab broke free from the binding spell and unleashed a strong gust of wind. It blew Senzo away, while both Leo and Bafana used their attributes to block it.

"Listen up Senzo. You are not needed here, frankly this monster is beyond you. Go and assist my people in Evacuation." Bafana ordered the vice captain.

Like that, Senzo immediately left without saying a word. He looked back at the clan leaders and wished them luck.

"That was harsh." Leo commented as he watched Senzo fly away.

"Coming from you it sounds like an insult. It's true though, he was a hindrance to us." Bafana stated. "But he has so much potential and I don't want to see him die here."

While this took place, Maskaraid kicked Azoth in the face. To her surprise, it didn't have any effect. The villain then grabbed her leg and slammed her multiple times before throwing her at a nearby rock.

"Why do you fight for these people?" Azoth asked. "I don't get why you would defend them. Both you and your host are confusing big sister."

"It is better to forgive and forget, rather than hold on to a grudge." Maskaraid responded. "If you hold onto a grudge it will destroy you from the inside. I learnt that from my host and one of her children."

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