Chapter 8 The End Of The Beginning

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A week passed after the incident. Zack sat at the reception desk, waiting for his sister to be discharged. Cody was with him eating chilly fries he bought earlier. Even though he was stuffing himself with his favorite food, the events of last continued to play in his mind. If I was stronger I could've saved everyone.

"Are you okay?" Zack asked.

"Y-Yeah." Cody replied happily. His mouth was covered with the chilly sauce which he whipped of with a tissue. He placed it in his pocket after scanning the area for a trash can.

The energetic Becca appeared in one of the hospital corridors heading towards them. With her was a doctor about her age. "Make sure to get some rest this time. Out of the many clans in this country, the Mambas are the ones we see often." The doctor laughed, at the fact that this was the eighth time he had seen her in the past five weeks.

Becca smiled at the doctor as he waved goodbye. He faded into the busy hallway, as she quickly turned around to find her little brother. "My babies!" She shouted. All eyes were on her as she limped towards the boys.

She reached out her hands and rubbed their hair. "I heard from people that you guys defeated that creature." She said as they left the Four story hospital. "Congrats, I wish I could've been there. You must have been scared though."

"It was Cosmo who actually saved the day." Zack replied as he looked at Cody. His friend smiled a bit before taking a deep breath.

"Hey Becca, can I ask you something?" Cody spoke as they went down the stairs. She quickly nodded, which permitted him to continue. "How do I get stronger?" Cody asked as images of that battle flashed in his mind. He also remembered visiting Lana in the hospital earlier today.

Becca slightly laughed before pulling the boys closer to her body. "Strength is not obtained in a short amount of time. It is accumulated over time." She stated as they entered the busy streets of Midas city. "Just know that Cosmo saw the potential in each one of you, thus was willing to die for that strength. You owe it to him to get stronger."

On their way to Zack's home the rain started pouring down on them. "We need to find shelter." Zack informed the others as Becca used her wind to act as a shock absorber for her leg.

"Let's go to that shop over there. I was planning on getting some new gear any ways." She added as she moved ahead. The store was close to the old firms and was well known for quality gear people bought for long missions. With one swing the wooden door was opened and the children entered the brick-red building. Thanks to her skills using the wind attribute, the kids were mostly dry.

As they passed through an open wooden door, the group saw an array of manikins dressed in different armour. The shelves contained countless tomes dating back to a century. Becca went to the service counter to call for the clerk. Before she could do that Cody touched a manikin causing it to collapse on itself.

The loud noise attracted the attention an employees. "Tesla!" Cody shouted, as he desperately tried to assemble the armour. Before Tesla could see what had happened, Becca used her attribute to put it back together.

"Wow she has excellent control of her attribute." Zack observed. As this was happening the rain outside became more intense.

"Grandpa if abnormals are as bad as you say they are, why did that Cody guy help us?" Clement asked as he used his flames to protect himself from the rain.

"Like humans the will be good abnormals and the will be bad ones. Both Cody and Maya are examples of good ones." The old man replied.

"But yet we treat them like they are lower than trash. Don't you think that if that Emanz kid grew up in a good he would have turned out differently?" Clement bombarded his grandfather with questions.

"Who knows, but what I want you to know is that: long ago the abnormals nearly destroyed this world. Thanks to the first Magi and his allies we were saved." The senior citizen answered the question.

"So I can't trust even them?"

"Yes Clement...For now anyways."

The two passed by the Dlamini cemetery. There in the rain Sito was seen sitting in front of a tombstone. The boy did not know whether that was rain or actual tears but, he understood what Sito was going through. Before they left Clement saw a lady carrying an umbrella approach Sito.

"Sito let's go home." The person stated as they watched the boy sit in front of the grave.

"Why did they let someone like you enter this place? Not even Cody is allowed." Sito responded as he continued to look at the tombstone. Water flowed from his spiky hair all the way down to the concrete floor.

"Well take my umbrella I'll walk home withou-"

"Shut up Nora!" The young Dlamini boy shouted at his mother. "I don't need your sympathy. It was because of you abnormal scum that both of them died. I will never forgive your kind."

Nora took a deep breath before placing the umbrella next to him. "Then I'll leave it here." She added. "However, before I leave let me tell you one thing son. I miss them, it's not just you who is hurting."

As Nora left the gate, Sito stood up from the ground. He quickly put his hand in his pocket. As he found the thing he was looking for he pulled it out. "I'm now a qualified knight." Sito spoke while looking at the squad badge on his hand. "I'll train hard so that one day I will beat Emanz and avenge you."

After that vow Sito left the area. After killing him, I will become the Magi and kill every abnormal including my mother and brother.

As the sun descended from the sky, Cody approached a large stone castle in the middle of a forest. He saw three individuals standing at the entrance. With his squad badge clucthed in his hand he approached them. "This is no time to be scared. I am now a knight."

Yep the kids are finally in the knight squads. I wonder who those three people are? Can you guess? What do you think of Sito's goal?

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