Chapter 63: Attack on the Reed dance part 4

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Without any warning both Becca and Mael blasted each other with strong winds. When they clashed the surrounding area was blown away. Some of the guards near Mael were nearly blown away.

"Why are you holding back dear cousin? Are you afraid of blowing away the dead weight around you." Mael commented before he jumped into the air and aimed a 'hurricane punch' at Becca.

The attack was so strong that Mael's soldiers had to grab a hold of trees to survive. After seeing that Becca had lived through the first attack, he then prepared more punches.

Using her quick reflexes, Becca evaded the attacks while catching her squad mates. She quickly placed them far away from the fight, while she generated a tonne of wind around her hands.

"Tornado fist!" Becca shouted, before she unleashed a devastating attack at her cousin. The boy simply smiled as he took the attack head on. With ease he stopped Becca's spell.

"You still making tornadoes? How cute." Mael mocked her attack.

He's right, at this rate I'm fighting an uphill battle. Becca thought as she looked around. "I don't need a hurricane to bring you down Mael. I'm just that confidant in myself."

Meanwhile, Abby, Brandon and Tesla finally arrived back at their squad's camp site. They were standing face to face with the person they thought was in charge.

"Shocking, I didn't expect you kids to be standing in front of me." Than stated as he observed the knights.

"You should get better guards. All we had to do was lead the giant reptiles to them and boom problem solved." Abby commented with a confident smile.

"You seriously didn't have to tell him that idiot." Brandon stated.

"I have to agree." Tesla added.

"Shut up!" Abby shouted while she pouted.

Do kids these days think it's cool to fight in front of a powerful opponent? The villain thought.

"Show me what you have." The villain ordered. Like lightning Tesla ran straight at him. As he tried to punch the enemy with his 'lightning glove,' the man blocked it before returning a heavy blow.

At that moment, Brandon entered the fray using his water tentacles to try and restrain the villain. The person skillfully evaded the attack before countering him.

"Lava arrows." Abby shouted as she fired. With a big explosion smoke was created. "Yes!" She celebrated, thinking that she dealt the decisive blow.

"That felt good girl. I didn't think I'd be fighting a fellow clansman." The villain stated as he emerged from the smoke. Abby regrouped with Tesla and Brandon after seeing that her attacks did nothing.

"This bastard has lava magic." Brandon complained. On top of that his energy signature just skyrocketed.

"Since you belong to the Kunene clan you might have heard of the name Tinashe." The villain introduced himself.

"I don't care who the hell you are, I won't let you hurt anyone anymore." Abby replied.

"Definitely." Tesla commented as he created his thunderous boots.

That idiots ignorance of her own clan is a blessing sometimes. If she got demotivated we would be up a creak, because the person we are fighting is the lavalanche master. Brandon readied himself.

"Most people would surrender upon hearing my name. Abby was it?" Tinashe stated. "You have my respect."

And it seems like he has no clue about her cluelessness.

"Well it's time to eat." The villain spoke, before vanishing to thin air. He appeared in front of Abby as he prepared to punch her.

Before his fist could make contact Tesla managed to kick Abby away from him. At same time, Brandon wrapped his water tentacles around Tinashe in an attempt to restrain him.

As those three fought against Tinashe, Becca and Mael were in a fierce battle of their own. Thanks to their back and forth, the landscape around the area had changed drastically. The entire section of the forest was now gone.

"How long are you going to be on the defensive dear cousin?" Mael asked, as he fired another attack. "By protecting them you are opening yourself to an attack."

"They are not making me weak. Being with them has opened up my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities." Becca replied with an attack. "The old ways will destroy us if we don't change."

The attack sent Mael flying towards a nearby rock. This is the first time she has landed a blow on me. I think she is ready for my ultimate move. Mael thought as his body started to glow. Wind gathered around him and wrapped him in a cacoon like structure.

"Is he..." Becca spoke, before a blast of wind was unleashed. Mael emerged from the cacoon with an outfit change. He now had a cape made of wind which had a scaly pattern. He also had scaly armour with a face mask. On his right hand was a whip made from wind.

"Do you like it?" Mael bragged. "This is my wind serpent armour. One of our clans's secret techniques."

Wind serpent armour and the plant serpent dress. These are the ultimate Mamba techniques. He mastered it? Becca thought as she looked back to where she placed her team.

"I wanted a worthy opponent to test it out on. Let's see what it has." Mael stated as his eyes shifted to one of Becca's subordinates. "Can you protect them all." He added before cracking his whip.

As Mael swung his whip it turned into a giant wind snake that slithered towards a group of unconscious knights. Like the wind Becca rushed to their aid. Becca noticed a giant hole being created by the snake's movement.

The snake reached the group creating an explosion. As the dust settled  it revealed that the group survived thanks to Becca's extreme release.

"You finally used it, but how long will it last dear cousin?" Mael commented before striking another group. "How long can that pathetic power of yours keep up with mine?"

Mael has started attacking the people around them to weaken Becca. Will his plan succeed or will it fail. What do you think?

Thanks for reading.

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