Chapter 78: Shield Maiden

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Azoth ran towards Leo. Just before he could reach him, a tornado slammed the villain at a nearby wall. With a smug look Leo laughed at the villain. "I hope that didn't knock the wind out of you. It'll be boring if you die so easily."

"Seems like someone wants to become a comedian." Azoth stated before he vanished. He appeared behind the clan leader only to be punched away.

"Sneaking up on me is pointless. I am one of the best sensor specialist in the country." Leo then sent a vortex bomb at Azoth. The villain smiled and switched places with with Leo. With ease the Mamba leader caught the attack with his bare hands and crushed it.

This shocked the villain as he dodged a couple of tornadoes coming at him. He then teleported to Leo and tried to punch him. Leo blocked it with his own, creating a shockwave throughout the realm.

Two tornadoes appeared out of nowhere and knocked Azoth around. This happened four times before he was slammed on the floor in front of Leo. "Is this karma?" The Mamba leader laughed.

"I don't know why Maskaraid had a tough time with you, when you are this pathetic." Leo stated as he enhanced his fist with his attribute. Using everything he had Leo was able to bury him further. "Vortex bomb!"

An explosion occurred covering the realm in smoke. Dust filled the the carven as Leo emerged from the smoke unharmed. The clan leader noticed the light start to become dimmer. I have to end this soon. I only have a minute left. Leo thought before he jumped towards Azoth. Out of fear the villain switched places with some debris.

Leo followed him around but the villain kept on evading the attacks. One punch from him and I'm dead. Thanks to his souls I can't switch with anything beyond his physical body. His spells and power are beyond me. Azoth thought before noticing something odd.

"Are you getting weaker old man?" Azoth asked as he noticed the light in Leo's hair start to fade.

"No." Leo responded before he jumped at him. To test his theory, Azoth mimicked the clan leader. He evaded the tornadoes coming at him from the dark tunnels as he readied himself. The two's fists collided creating a massive shockwave.

I was correct.

Azoth then threw another punch at the clan leader which he blocked effortlessly. The two then fought in hand to hand combat, whilst moving around the zone. Leo used the tornadoes as obstacles for the villain.

Thanks Leo's strength decreasing, Azoth was able to keep up. "What's wrong Leo, is your time running up?"

"I don't know. We will see after this battle." Leo responded as he kicked Azoth in the abdomen, before slamming him onto the ground.

The villain quickly got up and uppercut his opponent. Leo flew towards the ceiling. Thirty seconds left. Leo thought before he jumped from the ceiling.

Azoth grabbed Leo's feet and slammed him on the ground. Leo then threw some vortex bombs at Azoth but the villain swapped places with him, forcing him to take the hit instead.

As Leo steadied himself, Azoth came flying in with a punch, sending Leo outside his realm. The clan leader destroyed some trees before coming to a stop.

Tesla could see this from a mile away. Thanks to Lana and Maya's help, he was mostly recovered. "We need to help him."

"But how?" Brandon questioned.  "You all saw him. That S.O.B destroyed us without using his full power. The is no way we can do anything now."

"The is a way, we just need to buy enough time for Leo to do his strongest attack." Lana stated. "

"How are we going to do so?" Brandon asked.

"We already have the things we need." Lana answered as she stared at Maya.

"Uh...why are you looking at me?" Maya asked.

"Your shield was enough to block a realm, I'm sure it would be enough to slow Azoth down." Lana explained.

"True, but I don't know how I activated it before. I don't even know if I can activate it again." Maya panicked.

"You better think of it quickly because we going to the battlefield" Tesla stated as he grabbed her and ran off. The Magagula girl screamed as the two entered the forest.

"Aren't you putting alot of pressure on her?" Abby asked.

"It is her duty as a knight to protect a clan leader." Clement chimed in.

"Trusting an abnormal with this is stupid. Her gelatin attribute is useless against him." Brandon commented as he sat on a rock.

"She is not just an abnormal though." Robin proclaimed. "She is a knight and I know she will succeed..."

As this was happening, Leo was getting thrown around like a human pinball. I need to create some distance from him. At that moment Leo's caster started ringing.

The Mamba leader laughed just before he blocked Azoth's punch. The villain moved away quickly, as Leo prepared a close ranged vortex bomb. With my remaining eight seconds, I'm going to use everything I've got to win this.

So Leo compressed his entire realm into a small sphere on his hand. This will take seven seconds to unleash.

Upon seeing this Azoth charged at Leo. He tried to teleport, but he was briefly stopped. Tesla used his bolt vision to slow down the villain allowing Maya enough time to get in place.

When Azoth broke free from his paralysis he teleported, but he only switched places with the air in front of Maya. "Little girl, if you can buy me a second we can beat him." Leo told Maya.

Just as Azoth was about to punch Maya. The young maiden found herself in a baren semi dark waist land. Standing in front of her was a blonde, blue eyed woman in silver and gold armor. She was holding a shield which she tossed to Maya.

"Even though your body may not be ready for this yet, I'll allow you to use it again." She said. "Just remember to tell my dear little sister hello and thank her for taking care of my child."

From nowhere, a giant green shield appeared. It had dragon markings similar to both Maskaraid and Cody's weapons. Azoth was surprised that it could block his full powered punch. "So you are a member of that corrupt class after all."

Leo at full speed, pushed Maya to the side and blasted Azoth with everything he's got. The villain was sent flying thirty feet away from them. When the attack ended Azoth was on the ground. Before Leo could do anything, a shadow hand appeared and dragged Azoth into a shadow.

"It looks like he retreated." Leo stated before he sat on the ground. Maya had passed out due to shock. Like that everyone was safe. "The taste of victory is very sweet."

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