chapter 10 Rainbow Nation

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"Captain, can you tell us more about the Rainbow nation?" Cody asked, as Abby and Brandon waited in anticipation.

"It is a country to the west of Ngwane. Like us it borders both Thoselo and Zulu. Unlike us it is ruled a royal family."

"Plus it is over run by danger beast such as dia wolves." Brandon added. "Can you handle them Cody?"

"He can handle them better than you can Brandy." Abby mocked Brandon. Abby's statement confused Cody.

"If you say that again I'll punch you."

"Bra...ndy." Abby laughed. "Who knew you were a Mama's boy?"

"Those two are so loud." Linda the captain of the Serpetine complained.

"Let them be. They are still in the season of youth." Ozen chuckled as he set his sight on Cody enjoying himself.

Looking at him now makes me wonder if I should have played a bigger role in their lives. It's been so long that I just don't know what to say to him and his brother. Ozen thought.

As Ozen and his enterouge were nearing the capital of the Rainbow nation, Cody saw a winged reptile flying above them. "Wow a flying lizard."

"Nope, those are called dragons. They are one of the many danger beast in this country."

He really should have paid attention in class. We covered this last year. Abby sighed.

"How do you know so much about Rainbow captain?" Cody asked.

"Back when my mom was still breathing, I used to live here." Trinity answered Cody. "I moved to Ngwane after she died on behalf of my father."

As they entered the city, a crowd of people welcomed them along the streets of the golden brown city of Atlas. As Trinty looked outside he remembered the time he spent here with his two friends, a girl and a boy.

The relationship between these two countries has been wavy for the past year, after the death of the country's previous king. Trinity thought. We need to establish a good relationship again.

While headed to the palace, Cody noticed that almost all the people he saw had this strange dark aura. He turned to the others, but it seemed like they did not notice it. Is Maya the only other person who could see it? Does that mean only abnormals can see it?

"Good infrastructure means prosperous country, is what my father always says." Brandon spoke pulling Cody back to reality. Trinity noticed this behavior.

So he can see it.

The vehicle stopped in front of the golden palace. Brandon and a wyvern knight opened the door for the Magi. Cody jumped off his horse as he now put on his squad jacket. The group of twenty entered the castle after passing a group of thirty guards.

"Welcome your highness." Spoke a man with a crown made of leopard skin decorated with one big crimson feather. Cody suspected that he was the countries ruler, due to the large number of knights following him.

"It's been a long time your majesty." Ozen replied happily, with a slight grin on his face.

"Teacher you don't have to call me your majesty. Mason is just fine." The king requested.

After the shaking of hands Mason lead Linda, Ozen plus twelve other knights to a room. Trinity stayed behind with the rest of the group. He ordered them to go exploring in groups of two. "Be back in two hours."

"Yes sir." They responded.

"Are you sure captain?" Cody asked.

"Definitely. Why don't the three of you come with me. I need to see a friend." The captain asked one of the servants to take them to a person named Ted. They followed the person to the training grounds on the other side of the palace. Along the way Abby kept asking questions about every intriguing thing she saw.  The butler tried his best to respond to her questions only for a new to quickly follow. Fearing for the person's sanity, Trinity ordered her to keep quiet.

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