Chapter 44 Becca and Extreme magic

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"It's been two days since we got here and by the time this week ends you should be stronger than you were before." Teddy ordered bravely. "Today you will master percent control."

"Yes ma'am!" The boys responded with all their attention focused on her.

Upon realizing this, Teddy's face quickly turned pink. She quickly turned around to avoid the boys from seeing her like that. "Th-then get to work and pl-please stop looking at me." She added as countless drops of sweat flowed down her face, while she walked away.

All over Nabu Valley, countless tornadoes and dark spots appeared and disappeared. Teddy sat there watching the boys give it all they got. If only my magic was as flashy as theirs and I didn't have these nerves maybe I'll be as strong as them. Teddy thought as she pictured both Becca and Electra training during their knight exam.

She watched as Cody cloaked himself in darkness. "Can he do it?" She asked herself as her attention turned to Zack who was gathering wind around himself. She quickly noted that Zack emitted more powerful winds than his sister. Even so she was a lot better at manipulating them giving her the ability to fly which most knights could not do.

"Dammit." Cody stopped as he got down on all fours while looking at a alchemic energy sensor watch. "Although I've improved my percentage from five to ten, i still have a long to go." Cody mumbled as he remembered the fight between Ozen and Julius.

"My body is painful." Zack stated as he got on his knees. "Eight percent? This is not even an improvement. I bet Cody is at nine by now. He is amazing after all unlike me."

"Plant magic: Towering Root Fortress." Robin commanded as the roots broke free from the earth. They surrounded the criminals, trapping them in a root prison. She did her victory dance, which was just her jumping side to side, while simultaneously lifting her hand to the sky. The people around clapped and cheered for her.

"Thank you everyone." She responded while waving her hand. He long braided pink hair moved slightly through the wind.

"The rookies this year are great but you are a cut above the rest." Said the captain as she caught up. "Don't worry about the museum piece we got their partner."

" Ma'am don't you find the increase in criminal activity weird." Robin commented as she watched the civilian task force load the criminals on to an armoured truck.

"Yeah it is strange. First the assassination of the Magongo leader, now common thieves stealing museum reli-" The captain got interrupted.

She pulled out a green crystal ball from her pocket? "Wow the Wyvern communication orb." Robin marveled as a face appeared within the orb.

"Kina what's happened?" The captain asked.

"Sorry for disturbing you Mrs Ayida, but upon arrival at the detention center. The thief was discovered to have died during transit." At that instant Robin's jaw opened up wide. "Upon closer inspection a white liquid was discovered in his mouth. And that is not the worst part ma'am. The person had a mysterious tattoo with." Kina continued as the prisoner in the civilian vehicle began to act funny.

From the distance Robin could see the man act like he was being controlled by something. When Ayida got closer a white liquid came out his mouth and his haphazard movement ceased.

I thought stuff like this only happened in the movies. Robin pondered as she stood in the distance. Questions raced around her head as she saw the scene from afar.

"Madammm!" Said a person  running at them quickly. "This is an emergency."

"What is it now?!" She responded reluctantly. "Speak."

"The group responsible for returning the item to the museum was all slaughtered." The civilian officer reported. "The museum piece was taken by another group of bandits and this time the was more than six of them."

"How!?" Ayida responded. She gritted her teeth.

"That's not all. For some reason they decided to leave a mark of their presence." The messenger responded. "On the fallen's forehead a tattoo of a dragon with three heads and two wings was found."

"Oh my God." Robin responded to this shocking news. She stepped back a little as tears began to overflow. "What is going on?"

The people around began to mumble amongst themselves after hearing such news. All this, for just an ordinary book.

The cold air filled the area as Teddy, Zack and Cody snuggled up in their own blankets. An orange flame stood between the three, radiating both heat and light to the trio.

As Cody looked at the grass next to him, he noticed tiny icicles covering the blades of grass. "I bet we are the only people who go camping in winter." Cody spoke to start a conversation.

"Yyyessss wwwe are." Zack replied while gnashing his teeth. "Wwwhy do I fffeel a lot more cccolder."

"Maybe it's because you lack body fat." Cody replied jokingly. This made Zack annoyed. Teddy meanwhile watched as the two played rough with each other after Cody teased him some more.

"Cold!!" The boys shouted as they stood up from the cold grass after they fell from the log chairs they were sitting on. Teddy laughed loudly from just watching the two interact.

"You know what Teddy. You have a cute smile." Cody complimented suddenly. "You should do it more often."

Teddy simply pulled her blanket over her face covering her reaction to Cody's words. "Thank you."

"Hey Teddy, could you tell us a bit about Extreme magic?" Zack asked. She nodded slightly.

"Extreme magic is a simple concept to grasp. It begins when you master a spell." Teddy began explaining while the blanket remained over her head. "When you learn a spell for the first time, it is usually at five percent. Through hard work like exercise you can get it to eighty percent maximum. Nobody can get eighty one percent and above."

The wood continued to crackle in the fire. Light, grey smoke rose towards the sky showing signs of human presence. "Extreme magic is the release of the rest of the remaining twenty percent. However, you can not maintain it for too long. Just like your black panther cloak. It is the extreme magic version of your phantom claws."

"That's amazing Cody. You are already a step ahead." Zack spoke, while Cody rubbed his own head with his left hand.

"Thanks now it's time for you to catch up Zack. I know you can do it." Cody told his friend.

"Um...seeing you today reminded me of Becca back in the day." Teddy stated. "She always wanted to be the Mamba leader and that is why she works hard."

"That's impossible. Even if she becomes the strongest, the Mamba elders would not allow it." Cody responded.

"Right. At best she would have to marry a Mamba male, however he would be the leader instead of her." Zack responded.

"True which is why she works hard everyday." Teddy started remembering all those times Becca pushed passed her limits. "Through  results and proving that she is stronger than anybody. She hopes to change those elders mind."

"Mmm." Was the only response the boys could master.

"Sometimes when I look at her and seeing the mountain she has to climb. I think that I'm holding her back." Teddy confessed as she stood up and to  to be bed.

The boys watched as she entered her tent.

"Wow I never knew that Becca had so much on her plate." Cody spoke as he stood up from his log. "Well its time to hit the sack. Don't be long Zack I've got something to show you tomorrow. "

"Yeah ok." Zack responded softly. Here I am a talentless weakling, while you both are working hard towards your dreams. I'm so pathetic I don't even have a goal of my own. Zack thought as he used his wind to switch of the fire.

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