Chapter 42 Wrath

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"Get the doctor now!" Leo shouted before  he ran through the passage way of the hospital. Permeation and phantom magic can not be sensed normally, however I have other methods of locating them. Leo planned as he leapt out of the sixth floor window into the busy street below.

Shards of glass followed him as he landed on the hard concrete. A few of them hit an invisible air barrier which he also used to land safely. "There you are!!" He shouted louder than the moving cars and talking padestrians who were gathered around him.

"Shit Jude! He found us." One of the assassins reacted as they began to run faster. Some of the civilians tried to stop them, but got blasted away instead.

"These idiots don't learn." Jude complained while he blasted a few men out of his way. Behind them Leo was catching up bit by bit. "Hey Kake when we get to that intersection we go in opposite directions dude." Jude suggested.

"Awesome idea bro." Kake responded with a smugiesh smile. As they reached the checkpoint, they gave each other a thumbs up and a smile before going their separate ways. "Take care old friend."

"Dammit!!!" Leo shouted when he saw this happening. "What do I do now?" He asked himself while he approached the intersection.

"Lord Mamba,  magic knights responding for duty." Two individuals announced as they approached Leo from behind. "Sir,  what are your orders?"

"A Tsela excellent. You two go after him. The one heading right is all mine." Leo added before jumping over the busy road. Now I don't have to destroy half the town to get them. Leo thought as he powered up his attack in mid air.

"Screw those knights. If they didn't appear one of us could have escaped." Kake complained as he neared the outskirts of town. While running, he felt a huge gust of wind fast approaching. When he looked back he saw a ball of wind rushing at him. It's power was so great that the cars parked one side of the street were pushed to the other side with great ease.

Before he could react the ball reached him thus setting off a huge explosion. "Hahahaha you think magic attacks can hurt me? You must be dummer than the Magongo leader." Kake taunted.

Just as the smoke cleared up, he saw Leo flying straight at him. "Well if magic won't work then a knuckle sandwich might do the trick." He responded to the taunt. Without time to respond the villain was sent flying towards a nearby pine tree which are found all over the area.

He flew so fast that he broke the trunk causing the tree to fall into the road. Luckily the cars using it were far away from the scene. "Why do I feel like a typical isekai character?" The villain complained whilst he tried to crawl away. Suddenly, he felt hands grabbing him and lifting him up into the air.

"Who are you and what did you do to Luton?" Leo asked as he looked straight into the villains eyes.
Without hesitation Kake spat on him with a vengeful smile on his jagged face.

"Me tell a Mamba like you that? Don't make me laugh."  He responded before Leo sent him flying at another tree with another big punch on his face. This time the top half fell backwards. Kake coughed out blood as he struggled to move.

"You will do yourself a favor by choosing your next words carefully-" Leo threatened Kake.

"Or you will kill me?" The villain asked as he began to smile again. This caused Leo to stop in his tracks. "For your information I would rather die than tell a member of a treacherous clan anything dude. Not after what your clan did to my ancestors. I will never forgive that."

Leo saw the rage burn within Jude's eyes causing him to hesitate. "This nation and everyone who lives in it will pay for what they did. I will leave the rest to my comrades." Kake stated as he sat up. Suddenly his eyes closed and a purple liquid mixed with saliva oozed out of his mouth.

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