Chapter 61: Attack on the Reed dance part 2

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Becca's left index finger began to twitch. After regaining her consciousness, she opened her eyes to the sight of all her subordinates lying lifeless on the ground. As she tried to move her body she learned that she was unable to move it.

Realizing her predicament, Becca decided to use her energy on scouting. To her surprise she found out that the people who volunteered were the cause of this.

Unexpectedly one of them approached her and he immediately noticed the third seat's consciousness. With out wasting time he ran to report this to the others.

While Becca attempted to regain all motor functions, the noise caused by the attackers grew louder. Suddenly, a group of them approached her and a familiar face emerged from within.

"Long time no see, cousin."

"Mael?!" Becca responded.

Abby and the others ran through the forest as three individuals chased after them. Green crystals were fired at them, however thanks to Tesla's 'bolt vision' they managed to evade them.

"So what is the plan genius?" Brandon asked, upon hearing the sound of raging water.

"We fight them at the river up ahead." Tesla responded.

"That's it!? Why don't we fight them right now?" Abby complained, before destroying a tree to block an attack.

"If we fight them here, we will definitely lose. However if we battle at the river bank we have a great chance of winning." Tesla explained.

If what Zack told me was true, then this will work. However, the question is; will these two last long enough? Tesla plotted. He then looked back at the people  following them.  It will work.

If had realized it sooner I could've stopped this from happening. Thanks to that I have to rely on him. Brandon looked at Tesla.

Upon escaping the forest, Tesla quickly fired a lightning bolt into the water. This confused both Abby and Brandon who followed him. But before they could ask, they heard footsteps coming towards them.

"Here they come." Tesla told everyone. When Abby looked his way she saw him set a timer on his holo caster.

Before a minute could pass three individuals emerged from the forest. They came to a sudden stop twenty feet from the kids.

"It looks like you have no where to go." A man wearing a blue head band spoke. He had orange spikey hair.

"Shut up. This is no time to be stating the obvious." The man with a red headband responded.

"Get along you two, you are embarrassing us in front of these younglings." The third member with the yellow head band spoke. As the two settled down, the man with the yellow band stepped forward.

"Before we kill you, it is important for us to tell you our names. My name is Sicalo. This is my younger brother Bandile  in blue and my youngest brother Sebakhona in red."

"Why are you being so nice? You do know they are about to die right?" Sebakhona spoke, while balling his hand.

"Although I loath it, I have to agree with it." Bandile added, causing a vein to appear on Sebakhona's forehead.

"Did you just demote me to the rank of an animal?" Sebakhona retaliated.

"More so the rank of an object." Bandile smiled.

"Will you two shut up. You are embarrassing us in front of our targets. Let's just kill them." Sicalo reluctantly agreed. Tesla upon witnessing this related to Sicalo in a way.

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