Chapter 51 Leader of the Clan

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"It's the knights." The crowd shouted. Suddenly thick trees emerged from beneath the ground, as a giant shadow covered the whole town. Tevin jumped down from the tree and used his water magic to slow down his decent.

"Wow, look at that mommy." A child spoke enthusiastically. Like everyone else the toddler was intrigued by such a sight. It was uncommon to see a tree move like a dragon.

Lola stood mightily on the tree, gazing down at both Becca and her father. Please be safe.

"A Motsa, Fakudze and Mamba" Leo noted. "What are you doing here?" He asked. Leo pointed his ruby colored eyes at Becca.

"We were assigned to this place. Now it's your turn, what are you doing here Leo leader of the Mamba clan?" Becca replied.

"How dare you call your father by name little girl? Do you have any respect?" Said one of the Mamba warriors. The rest of them simply pointed their spears at her.

"Uncle let me put her in her place? Calling you by name is an insult." Mael asked as he approached Leo from behind. Although he was facing downwards Becca noticed a strange aura coming from her cousin .

"Know your place Mael. You are a child yourself." Leo spoke shocking everyone around him. "Since she is a child like you, it is my job to do the punishing. Got that...little boy?"

Dammit, what is Becca doing here? Oh well... my idiot of an uncle will take care of this. Becca is going to be slaughtered by her father and best of all, this will lower her chances of being the leader of the clan. Mael plotted.

"Guys please make sure nobody interferes. Lola heal the wounded." Becca ordered her subordinates.

"Leo as your daughter I don't want to fight you but, as a knight I have to. Please just leave these people. Your wife is worried." Becca spoke as she increased her percentages. The winds around her began to be violent causing her hair to move haphazardly. Her red eyes slightly glowed as she stared directly at her father.

"I came here for answers and I won't leave without any." Immediately after speaking, Leo quickly vanished. The air pressure radiated from the spot he stood on to the surrounding areas. Some of the Mamba warriors were pushed back a little by this action alone.

"Mael I can't see him anywhere. Where did he go?" Mael simply smiled.

"Just watch the fight. It is what you have been waiting for right?" Mael commented. "Now it's time for that little girl to be put in her place. Women belong in the kitchen not the battlefield."

Before Leo could punch her, Becca blocked the attack with ease. She smirked a little after witnessing the shock on everyone's face. Even so she was struggling to keep the attack contained. Her arm shook mildly due to her father's strength alone.

Quickly she reversed kick his face however, that didn't even phase him a little. "When are you going to start using your alchemy. You will need it against me." Leo mocked her.

"Since you are my father I was planning on holding back. However, if you insist on me using it then...okay." Becca replied before winds surrounded her foot blowing Leo away. I don't have the same kind of power and speed as my dad but, I think I can beat him with skill and strategy.

Before Leo could attack again, using her wind as a boost, Becca leaped towards her father. She planned to hit him with a 'tornado fist' however her attack was stopped by Leo's vortex dome. He then surrounded her with it and tossed her at a nearby building.

Becca unleashed her tornado fist and used it to avoid the building. Leo then created multiple 'vortex slicers' which he fired at his daughter. Becca then created her 'wind saber' to cut through her father's attack. This sword was entirely made of winds strong enough to cut through iron. She quickly made good work of them however, Leo used this chance to grab Becca by the face and slam her into the rough gravel.

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