Chapter 7 The Power Of Seated Officers

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As the kids fought this monster, the thousands of people who came to support them watched in stun silence. Even the people who were selling snacks just stood there.

The kids divided themselves into separate teams. Abby and Sito were together, while the others formed the other team. As they fought, Cody's finger started to wiggle.

"Did you find him?" A knight wearing a green uniform asked, his colleague who was from the reception.

"No he is not there either." The female knight replied. "Where could he be?"

After an hour of searching a knight found a body lying in a pool of blood in one of the toilet stalls. They quickly ran to the Magi to report on their findings.

Upon arrival the knight kneeled onto the concrete floor. "Sir we have found Luton. Unfortunately he has been critically injured and is being sent to the hospital as we speak."

"You are all useless. If you had found him earlier maybe he'd be stopping this right now!" One of the elders shouted at the young woman. The knight simply balled her right hand out of frustration, as the other elders joined in to mock her.

"Thank you for the information. Please make sure that he makes it to the hospital okay." Ozen jumped in to save her. He smiled gently making the knight's heart race a bit.

"For a clan leader Luton is pretty pathetic. How can someone of his caliber loose to a mere child?" An elder asked, grabbing Ozen's attention.

"Maybe we should kick the Magongo clan out of the government?" Another commented.

"Just like we did to the Tsela clan?" They all laughed angering Ozen.

From the roof of the stadium, Megan's daughter watched as the whole stadium went chaotic. From out of the blue, she sensed a strange presence coming from the east. When she turned to look, she spotted a dark figure flying in the distance.

Without hesitation, she flew towards it using her wind attribute. "It's been days since I've fought someone. Let me let loose a bit." As she got closer to  the person she slammed her hands together creating a small tornado.

The mysterious person blocked her attack using her metallic wings, that sprouted from her back. At this moment Zack's sister detected the scent of blood in the air. When she looked below her, she noticed countless bodies belonging to knights scattered everywhere. Each of which had metallic feathers sticking out.

"Who are you?" She asked, while starring angrily at the feminine figure in front of her.

The person had a large curvaceous body complemented by the navy blue skin tight bodysuit she wore. Metal spikes protruded out of her back creating wings and a smug smile was plastered on her face, showing pride in what she has done. Her skin was like chocolate and her eyes shined like emeralds.

"I've long abandoned that name, but you may call me Pride." She boasted before laughing a little.

"What type of person abandons a name given to them by their parents?" Megan's daughter responded, as she clenched her fist. "My name is Becca Mamba and I'm going to make you remember the name your parents gave you."

"Well Becca, can you prove that you are not all talk?" As the two women fought in mid-air, the kids were locked in a battle of their own.

"Brandon do it now!" Shouted Tesla who was thrown against a tree. His tracksuit was filled with cuts and part of his right sleeve was gone.

"Stop giving me orders!" Brandon shouted, while preparing for an attack. "Water alchemy: aqua slash!"

The creature simply ate the attack without suffering any consequences. Using it's crocodile like mouth, it fired an intense sound attack at Brandon who could barely resist it.

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