Chapters 16 The Heavys

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In Peak city hospital, Sito walked into a room belonging to Lana. Unfortunately for him, she was fast asleep. On a dresser, Sito saw a red rose with a note attached. The boy grabbed it and saw that it was from his twin brother.

Sito took a deep breath before turning to Lana. As he looked at her sleeping, he remembered everything that happened today and during the knight exam. Sito then looked at her severed arm. "So much has happened today and I wanted to tell you all about it. Maybe next time." Sito spoke but got no response.

My true intentions was to cheer her up. Not being allowed to achieve your dreams is painful. At that moment, Sito thought of his father. Maybe he...

Suddenly his caster rang, prompting him to leave immediately.  "See you later."

As soon as he shut the door, the fifteen year old girl opened her eyes. "I know what you are trying to do Sito and I'm grateful for it. It's just that I'm not ready to face you guys."

"How can I when I am the only one who couldn't become a knight." Lana looked at her severed arm and remembered the moment it was destroyed. The doctor telling her that she can't continue being a knight hurt more. Before she could cry, the door to her room suddenly opened.

Meanwhile, in another kingdom, a man was walking through a dark corridor to a pair of large iron doors. Before he got close to them, the doors opened wide to allow him in. "This will never stop scaring me." The person stated before entering the room.

The room was large and decorated with white tiles. A large wooden table was at the center and the room was filled with cabinets containing some jars. In those jars was some strange creatures.

On one of the walls was a stone tablet with crevices. One of the five crevices had already been filled by a wierd object. Next to the wooden table was a scientist. The light was too bright for the grunt to see him clearly. The scientist looked at the grunt with his glowing yellow eyes.

"Just report don't waste my time with introductions." The scientist ordered his subordinate. He then continued with his experiment.

"Y-yes sir!" The grunt responded, before he quickly knelt down. "The Ngwane Kingdom has stumbled upon one of our missions and Pride was killed in the process.." 

"That is not my problem, Lady T is the one responsible for that mission. And besides, Pride was an artificial abnormal, so who cares?" The scientist chuckled a bit.

"What I want to know, is if you have located the little girl with the histoir attribute yet?" The man continued as he finished mixing up some chemicals. This time he was a bit more serious.

"N-no sir we haven't." The grunt responded.

"Don't be afraid of me friend, I won't hurt you. You are just a pitiful human being after all. If you were like me, I would have killed you the moment you came in empty handed." The man stated as he shook the vile turning it pink. "Now go and find that child, her attribute holds the key to ridding this world of parasites." The man continued, as he used his attribute to help his subordinate stand up.

As the grunt left the room, the scientist turned towards the stone tablet. His hair grew longer and two fangs stuck out of his mouth. His entire face was filled with some strange markings. "The only thing missing is a trigger to start the Ngwane and Rainbow war. How will you react Ozen?"

Meanwhile, Maya was in a bus staring at Cody. Everytime he turned her way, she would quickly turn away. "The way you are looking at that boy, it might be considered stalking." An older woman who was sitting next to Maya commented

"It's not like that Ayanda.." Maya freaked out. "I just want to talk to him, but after that day I feel like I'm not worthy. That is why I avoided him for so long." The older woman smiled  and gently placed her head on her bosom. She slowly rubbed her hair before speaking.

"Well he is your first crush." She chuckled a bit causing Maya to blush a bit. "I'm sure that a situation will present itself where you can pour your heart out."

"What's wrong kiddo, you keep looking backwards?" Larze asked.

"It's nothing Captain Larze." The boy responded.

"It's not nothing. I'm forty years old and I can spot when something is bothering someone." Larze poked Cody on his forehead. "Just tell me it'll be our manly little secret."

"I want to talk to Maya, but being a murderer and all, I feel like I'm not worthy." Cody stated. "My friend created the opportunity earlier, but things got in the way."

"You have a really amazing friend there q kiddo." Larze remarked. "But what I want to say is, don't let your past get in the way of your happiness. It is what it is and there is nothing you can do about now."

"Thanks sir." The Dlamini boy smiled.

"Why this reminds me of the time I met my wife." Larze started to raise his voice.

"Sir we've heard this story a thousand times." Ayanda complained.

"It's gotten to the point where I feel like I was there." A boy a little older than Cody added. Everyone else agreed, while Cody and Maya laughed.

"Miles is right." The captain looked at Cody before agreeing to sit down.

"END FOREST AHEAD." A voice spoke on the intercom.

Larze looked to the distance and saw their destination ahead of them. The area was called Ending Forest and it found between the boarders of Rainbow and Ngwane.  The captain looked towards the horizon, but could not see the edge of the forest.

As the group go closer to the forest, a person was running through the thick woods. Their clothes were wripped and their hair was filled with twiggs and leaves. While running, the person's breathing got heavy, they tried to create a spell but were unable to.

In the distance smoke climbed to the sky. She remembered the dead bodies of the people she left behind. While doing so she tripped on an exposed root and rolled down a gentleman sloping hill. Without checking for any injuries, she just got up and ran.

From behind she could hear growling noises and it seemed like they were getting louder and louder. Suddenly she heard the sound of some bushes rustling nearby. How did they find me?

Just before those monsters could touch her, she opened a portal and sent them somewhere far. Before she could breath a sigh of relief, the girl heard more growling and some howling in the distance. Like that they were off before those creatures could locate her. Someone please help.

Thanks for waiting

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Do you wish for one that will focus on Cody's and Maya's relationship? Comment below or vote for this chapter. Have a nice day😊

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