Chapter 14 Becca Vs Pride

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As the sun was setting, it painted the sky in a bright orange. Pride and Becca fought each other under the beautiful scenery. Wind and metal clashed, but neither side was showing signs of exhaustion.

As Becca deflected her attack, Pride spotted a smile on her face. Her pony tail swung around and her eyes sparkled. It was obvious to the villain that she was enjoying herself. This however, angered Pride as she remembered her mother smiling, while she sparred with her sister.

Suddenly, Pride launched metallic feathers straight at Becca. Using her great reflexes, Becca was able dodge them all effortlessly. The blades destroyed a building on the ground. Nothing was left of the building except the rubble that formed it's frame.

Seeing an opening Becca decided to launch her attack 'air cutter'. This created slahes that are crossed. They moved quickly at the villain.

Pride seeing this, covered her body with her wings. As Becca's attack touched her wings, Pride's mind briefly drifted back to her mother. "Mom..."

After Pride said this a woman sitting on stone chair smiled. "Everything is happening as my master predicted." She smiled as she watched the fight.

"Wow your wings are really strong." Becca spoke as she prepared another attack. Pride saw a tornado envelope Becca's fist as she prepared to launch it. All the winds in the area gathered around Becca's hand. "Well it's time for me to demonstrate one of my higher level spell."

From that a huge tornado was blasted towards towards Pride. It was able to gather up particles from the ground even though it was ascending towards the heavens. "Feather blade barrier!" Pride shouted as pieces of her wings broke off to a create controllable shield.

From there a shield made from her metallic wings appeared in front of her to block the attack. Unfortunately, the shield was being pushed back, causing Pride to use her own strength to push it away from her. The tornado soon broke through the wings, but the impact was weak.

Just as Pride thought that the attack was over. Becca appeared in front her smiling confidently. " If I win, you should tell me your real name." She told, Pride before punching her in the chest with the left over tornado fist. This created another tornado sending pride crashing down.

As Pride looked up at Becca, she saw her mother looking down at her. "My sweet daughter..."  Suddenly an explosion nearby pulled her back into reality and Becca was back.

"You know what Becca, you remind me of my mother. She use to enjoy fighting." Pride then looked at Becca with a smile.  Both the young women smiled together.

"Hey Pride let's end this with the next attack." Becca stated. Pride nodded slowly as she powered up her next attack.

I need to use all my strength. Fighting Becca is like fighting my mom. Pride thought.

My clan was called the Ngidi clan. We lived on the outskirts of Rainbow, in a remote mountain village. We spent our days farming plus hunting and we rarely interacted with other clans.

My mom was clan leader. She took over after my father passed away when I was born. She was one of the strongest in the village and everyone loved her. Between her cheerful demeanor and charitable actions, it was difficult not to be her fan.

The village was peaceful, with a few scuffles here and there. I was usually the cause of most of them. This caused her headaches and like normal parents she used that opportunity to lecture me about being the clan leader.

That happiness did not last long, because one day the army of Rainbow came to our village. My mother tried to stop them, but she was instantly cut down. Without warning I ran away along with everybody else. Some people stayed to fight, but they were no match for the trained military. It was a slaughter.

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