Chapter 31 Revenge

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The three boys were faced by two people they have never heard of before. "Going somewhere?" Colani asked while his ice froze the environment around him. Emanz on the other hand, just wanted to rondevous with Wyet wherever he was and being here was a waste of his time.

"Colani, stop talking and ice the fools." Emanz then levitated into the air to avoid being frozen by Colani's attack. He folded his arms together as a flock of birds made from his magic appeared. With a bored expression he fired them at the knights.

Sito unleashed his 'light swords ' attack and cut down each one of those birds. Although Emanz was disappointed, Colani however was impressed. "You are just as good as your brother. Killing you should make me feel better." Hearing those words angered Sito.  Being compared to Cody was an insult at the least.

Cliff snickered a bit thanks to the villains choice of words. Clement meanwhile, prepared to attack while the villain was distracted.

"Fire wall!" Shouted Clement as he shot flames past Sito. Colani's attack collided with the flames freezing them in the process.  The ice then shattered breaking the flames apart.  This shocked Clement alot because, ice is weaker than fire. Cliff without hesitation, shot gas at them but, Emanz's limestone created a wall. The wall absorbed the gas rendering it useless.

"Guys, I have an idea of how to defeat these guys." Said Clement as Sito blocked the next attack by Emanz. Clement had noticed that the villains attacked separately and he wanted to use that as an opportunity to strike. Sito looked back as he finished slicing a raptor into pieces.

"It seems things are becoming interesting." Colani remarked as he saw the boys create a formation. Emanz just rolled his eye as he prepared for the next barrage.

"It's the same old trick Colani blend and boring."

Clement unleashed his 'Fire torrent' spell at them. Colani responded by blasting a glacier of ice. The two attacks met and created steam. This also stopped the glacier movement. Using Sito's light swords Cliff went for the offensive. He ran on the glacier avoiding the spikes that would emerge. "Cliff is a natural in close combat. His skill in sensing attacks has greatly improved since the exams."

"Not so fast." Said Emanz before he could unleash his bird army. From nowhere light swords appeared in the sky falling right on them. The impact created dust which temporarily blinded the opponents before Cliff sent them flying at the road using the swords.

Cliff looked back at the others and gave them a thumbs up. Clement sighed in relief with Sito at his side growling a bit. "I wish I could have dealt the finishing blow." Cliff joined the others as they attempted to leave.

Suddenly ice erupted from the the ground heading straight for them. "Watch out!" Clement shouted as he pushed Sito out of the way. He breathed out hot flames that stopped the attack before it reached them. Thanks to that Sito survived a dangerous attack.

"I can protect myself dammit." Sito retaliated as he stood up.

"Shut up. We have no time for your Dlamini arrogance. Don't you hear that?"  As Sito calmed down he felt the ground vibrate. The rocks around moved vigorously as the vibrations got louder. "Wha... what is that?"  Cliff continued as the steam began to move around.

"Surprise."  Said Colani as he emerged from the steam riding a huge three horned creature. The bahemoth had bulky legs with a strong tail in which it used to destroy bash the ground. The creatures was white with blue ice spikes moving down it's back.

It stared at the boys with it's creepy blue eyes before letting out a mighty cry. The boys were blasted to a nearby fence destroying it completely. " Now we are even." Said Emanz as he appeared from the smoke. Colani laughed after seeing them fly. "Colani I leave the rest to you." Emanz said before for flying off into the distance. "I have to find master Wyet."

Colani just smiled. The creature unleashed another roar blowing away Clement's shield when he made it. Cliff's gas could not move forward which was an issue. However Sito still had an ace up his sleeve. He gathered all his power and created a magnificent giant sword. "Finally it's my time to shine. I can't be defeated by an extra like you. I will be the Magi and maybe..." 

Both Sito and Colani looked straight at each other's eyes. "Your dreams are selfish, you're only thinking about yourself which is lame. I want to bring back my grandparents that's the only thing that matters. Someone like you would never understand my family's pain. Even if the whole world perishes I'll succeed."  The creature began to prepare a giant ice attack in its mouth.

"Now die." They both shouted as the two attacks collided.

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