Chapter 19 Captain Larze

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The strange man looked down towards the children. Cody and Maya stood firm between him and Layla. Maya could sense the man's Alchemic energy pouring out of me in waves, the air was practically saturated with it.

"Run away. He is too strong for you." Layla spoke out off fear. Not only did she fear being taken back to Atlas, but also to what he will do to these knights. "That is Thuba one of my kingdoms knights."

Cody looked at the opponent in front of him. Though he has improved, however this guy was leagues above him and Maya in experience. Scars from previous battles were decorated all over his arms. As his vest took on the shape of his body. He wasn't that much broad, but  when you put everything together Cody understood why Layla was so frightened.

His very presence produced an aura that filled the entire area with dread. Although Cody was unable to sense his energy he was able to see his strength through Maya's reaction. "Maya take the princess and run, I'll hold him off."

Maya looked at him in shock. She saw Cody ready himself as he got into his fighting position. She desperately wanted to fight with him, but she knew that it was only going to make things worse.

Cody quickly charged at Thuba while he manifested his bow staff. As soon as it was fully tangible he leapt into the air to strike Thuba from above. With the staff above his head Cody swung it vertically at Thuba.

At that moment Maya grabbed Layla and retreated. The strength between the two is vastly different, but I have to trust that he'll live. Maya thought as she turned around.

Thuba quickly put up his right hand in an attempt to block the attack. "Tar magic: heavy arm." Thuba chanted as a black liquid poured out off his skin covering his arm. It quickly hardened and broke Cody's bow staff easily. A piece of it flew off into the distance while the rest scattered in different directions.

Immediately after, Thuba punched Cody in the stomach and sent him flying back to his friends, while knocking him out in the process. Maya out of fear trapped Thuba in a cage of gelatin to try and slow him down.

Captain Larze had just finished covering Miles and Ayanda with strings over their wounds. Just as he was standing up he heard two heavy bodies hit the ground really hard. I wondered when they'd escape. Now it's time for my plan. He thought as he turned around.

The white wolf circled around him slowly. His eyes focused on the one in front of him which was black. "Mighty black wolf, I challenge you to a butimba match." This caused the white canine to holt it's attack. The black wolf on the other hand was in fighting mode ready to attack.

A butimba is a fight for leadership amongst the Dia wolves anyone can participate even if they are not a Dia wolf. No matter the species, if you beat the leader of the pack you are in charge of it. Larze knew this because he grew up in the wilderness, till the late Magi found him. Due to his kindness and dedication, Larze vowed to protect and teach the youth. This was to pass on this gesture of kindness he experienced.

The black wolf jumped at Larze at high speeds. It left clouds of dust behind it. Larze shot strings around it's neck and used the force of its jump against it. He swung the beast around slamming it into the surrounding trees. By the time he was finished the mut's fur was mixed with different branches and leaves from different trees.

He quickly followed with razor sharp string attack cutting through it's thick fur. The wolf looked leaner and had drops of blood leaking out. The black wolf became more aggressive bearing it's fangs and trying to scare him with a growl. The snarl was enough to make any grown man squint in fear unfortunately Larze was used to that. Using all it's strength it ran around Larze quickly. He thought it was trying to confuse him unfortunately he thought wrong.

Larze shot his razor sharp string at it, but he always missed the target due to dust coming into his eyes. The dust clouds picked up enveloping Larze in a giant dust tornado. Soon he was covered by them in this massive tower.

The wolf from the cloud began attacking Larze from different directions before retreating back into the dust clouds. Larze tried countering by creating trip strings which made it stumble a few times, but it did little to nothing. When he tried to finish it, the mut quickly evaded his attack. It slashed him and left no room for him to react to the attacks.

By the time the clouds settled, Larze was on his knees bleeding all over his body. His Heavy uniform was now scarlet thanks to the blood. It was also torn in many places. Ayanda woke up but was unable to do anything even after seeing her captain in that state.

She watched as the wolf circled Larze preparing for the finishing strike. He was too weak to do anything, with both his hands on the ground supporting him. The wolf started running towards him and ripped off his head from his neck with one clean slash. Captain Larze died instantly.

Ayanda felt her body go numb and terrified at the same time. The man who taught her how to be a knight was killed in front of her. The worse part was that she couldn't do anything about it. Tears began leaving her eyes. "Captain Noooo!." She said, as his body slowly fell to the ground.

The black wolf started to approach her and Miles who was still unconscious next to her. She was still weak to do anything and could not even manifest a shard. Just as it was face to face with her, a piece of a black stick flew into its heart killing it instantly.

The wolf quickly dropped dead and a pool of blood began flood the surroundings. The white wolf quickly seeing this ran towards the owner of the stick. It left Ayanda dazed at what had happened. She sighed deeply while trying to stand up.

Meanwhile, Cody was inside some strange place. It was a familiar place, but he could not figure out where he was. When he saw a figure standing in front of him he knew definitely where the location is. This is Because the figure that Stood in front of him, was none other than the man that torments his dreams.

"It's time we talked young man."

I think I'll leave you on this cliff hanger for now. Hope you enjoyed this chapter expect a new one Thursday. This arc is almost finished.

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