Chapter 43 Let The Training Begin

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As Teddy emerged from her black tent she was greeted by a chilly breeze. Luckily for her she has gotten use to it thanks to her border petrol duties.

As the sun rose she saw a the huge Sutu river flowing towards the it like a path. The on the gentle sloping hills umbrella like trees could be seen scattered everywhere and animals such as mountain goats could be seen grazing on the other side of the river banks before heading back up Fortress mountain.

Teddy took in the view of the area and greatly inhaled the fresh clean air of the great outdoors. "It's time to wake those two up."

"Um...boys it's time to wake up. Remember you are supposed to go catch fish for breakfast." Teddy said nervously. She stood outside the tent waiting for a response, only to silence. "I-I guess you leave me no choice." 

After two minutes she returned with a slab of honey.  She slowly unzipped the bag and threw it in. "If you don't wake up now, the bees will have fun with you." She continued before running away. She stood from the distance as a swarm of the bees flocked into the tent.

"Bees!" Shouted Zack before he stood up abruptly. Cody soon followed screaming at the top of his lungs. They ran around while forgetting to remove the tent from their heads. "Get them away." They shouted as they foolishly rammed head first into a guava tree. This disassembled the tent freeing the bees.

"Phew that was close." Cody spoke with a bee escaping from his mouth. When they looked, up Teddy towered over them before dropping two javelins.

"Pl - please wake up next time." Teddy told the boys before she left left mini javelins. She walked away leaving them to guess what they are supposed to do it.

"I guess training begins now?" Cody stated as he picked up a spear. He looked at Zack as he picked his up.

"Hey Cody I've got an idea. Let's see who catch the most fish." Suggested Zack confidently.

"You are on space cow boy." Cody responded. He smiled smuggishily before he dashed of to the river. "Last one there is a rotten egg."

"No fair you cheating." Zack followed. "A real Magi should play fair."

Should I have told them that the river is infested with crocodiles? Nah they'll be fine. Teddy thought as she picked up dry wood from the ground. Becca said not to sweat the small stuff.

"Giants, monster carvings and a gold covered rocks. These people had such an active imagination." Said Nora as she analyzed the pictures Phiri brought back. "If only they didn't destroy the place, I would be going there to see it for myself."

"Do you think these carvings have something to do with me?" Asked a women. This put Nora in deep thought.

"I'm not sure if these are your origins, but I will find out." Nora added as she sipped some green tea, savoring it's taste in the problem. "Although my boys were born during this season, I still hate winter." She continued before taking another sip.

"Thanks for trying to help me out." The lady said as Nora looked towards the ceiling.

"I should thank you for rescuing Maya and my son. You know underneath all that bravado is a kind hearted person." Nora commented as she laughed a little.

"S-Stop that it's embarrassing Nora." The woman told Nora. Who laughed loudly before taking another sip. At that moment the door behind Nora opened suddenly.

"Excuse me for disrupting your pleasent investigation." Said a blue haired girl.

"Don't worry about it Lana, at my age one laughs at anything." Nora replied as she turned her chair around. "So what does my apprentice need?" Nora asked as she looked at her student.

"I've come bearing bad news..." Lana breathed deeply. From her facial features Nora knew the news was not good. "The leader of the Magongo clan... was assassinated last night at Peak hospital."

"What! How?" Nora replied in utter shock. "That place is protected by a powerful berrier, how did they slip past it without triggering the alarms?"

"I wasn't told that yet. All I was told is that the culprits committed suicide upon capture. It seems that they are both from the Maseko clan."  Lana added. "With that in mind Leo gave me the vile which still contains the sample of the poison they used to kill Mr Luton."

"Killing the leader of a clan that wields poison magic with poison, how ironic." Nora commented as she stood up. With one hand she took the vile from Lana and left the room. "I'll be back." She continued as she closed the door behind her.

As she turned around she noticed that Nora left her computer on.

"This place... it  sort of looks like Nabu Valley. I didn't know misses Nora liked strange art." Lana shrugged as she walked to her mini desk. "It's time I finished my project. This magic tool won't be complete itself."

"If i can't be a knight at least I can design technology for them." Lana mumbled to herself as she opened her computer.

"What is taking so lo-" Teddy stopped as she saw two boys lying on the ground unconscious. Their clothes were ripped to shreds, scratches could be seen all over their bodies with some shallow bite marks. To avoid carrying them back to camp, Teddy simply snuck away quietly. "Don't  sweat the small stuff. She says." Teddy mumbled nervously as a sweat drop flowed down her face.

Time passed and the boys were able to recover from the ordeal. "Are you guys ready, for your first session of the day?" Teddy asked as she hid her face behind large amount of papers stapled together.

"Yes ma'am." The boys reply. Their faces contained smiles of anticipation.

"Th-then let the training begin." Stuttered Teddy.

"Question. Wasn't the fishing thing training?" Zack asked.

"Yeah that whole thing seemed like exercise to me." Cody agreed.

"No. According to the notes that was just a way to teach you to be independent. it had nothing to do with exercise at all. You will do that again tomorrow. " Teddy replied to much of the boys suprise.

"It's time for the fifty kilometer run." Teddy continued.

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