Chapter 57: Reed festival Begins

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"Maya? Lana? What are you two doing here and together of all things?" Robin asked as she approached them while wearing a red lihiya with with twenty seven on it.

"Hm. Robin." Lana responded. "I was on my way home yesterday when she came along and asked me to join."

"Since Abby was busy and she was free I asked her to come as a thank you." Lana responded while rubbing the back of her hair.

"I thought it was mostly to learn more about co-" Lana stopped as Maya covered her mouth.

"Believe me I don't wanna be here but I'm forced to."

"I don't really care about the reason I'm just happy my fellow knight graduates are here." Robin added with a smile showing off her white teeth.

"I'm not a knight though. I ran away after one bad situation." Lana looked down.

"Whether you became one or not it irrelevant all that matters is that you fought Camu with us and survived." Robin quickly responded. "And Maya since you are new here I'll show you the ropes."

"And you should tell her about co-" Maya covered Lana's mouth stopping her mid sentence.

In the hospital Cody and Cliff sat outside the theater rooms. While Cody paced up and down the corridor Cliff lightly tapped his left foot on the tiles.

"Majestic huh." Cliff spoke after Cody told him yesterday's events.

"Yeah and it seemed that they used yesterday's kidnapping set us up. If you hadn't arrived all of would be dead." Cody told his friend.

"What do we do from here?" Cliff asked as he looked up at Cody.

"We call it in." Cody responded. At that moment a nurse walked out from one of the two theaters. In her hand was an item belonging to one of the victims. Cody dropped his holo caster upon hearing what the nurse had to say.

"Lion we'll be late if you continue doing this." Linda complained as Lion walked around a candy shop looking for his favorite sweets. She quickly let out an annoyed sigh when he completely ignored her. "The meeting starts in thirty minutes minutes. I go on." She warned him.

After walking for a couple of blocks the Magi building was finally in full view. Seventeen minutes left. She checked her caster. As she waited to cross the street a boy came running from the other side. He brushed against her before turning the corner.

"Sorry ma'am." He apologized before continuing with his run. She simply smiled a bit because the boy's actions remind her of Lion back in the day.

As she got to the Magi building gate Linda collapsed on the floor. Immediately after this a vehicle arrived to pick her up. The in response rushed to protect her however they were quickly taken down before they could do anything.

After the vehicle left. Lion soon followed. "What happened here." The guards pointed to a car turning the corner.

"They took Captain Linda." He added. In an instant Lion took off after them. He created A mercury platform which was used to fly. Around him were silver particles.

"Shit Lion is on our trail!" One of the passengers shouted at the driver.

"Then shoot him down you idiots." The driver ordered as he made a sharp turn. "By some time till we get to the rondevous point."

Lion saw fire and water coming straight at him. With ease he managed to block them.

I better be careful not to send any attack at the civilians. Lion thought he blocked another attack. "Even though he uses fire it is not enough to take me down. So how did they get you half sister?"

Lion increased the speed of his platform and went to the front of the car. He aimed his silver bullets at each of the passengers and shot them. The mercury projectiles broke through the windscreen like paper piercing the heads of everyone except Linda.

He used his mercury to control the drivers body to slow down the car. "Destination reached." Lion heard a voice from the car speak once it stopped.

"Fire magic : burning javelin." Someone spoke as spear flew directly at Lion who easily blocked it. "So my lord was correct to have me guard this spot."

"I know this spell. Lito?" Lion guessed. "Is that you? "

"Yes the boy who your sister beat to join the knights." Lito spoke as he appeared from thin air. With him was a little boy.

All of a sudden a group of people opened the car and took Linda from it. Before Lion could attack Lito stopped him with a fireball.

"Let me warn you. If you take any action this boy will die." Lito smiled upon seeing Lion grit his teeth. "But I'm curious, are you willing to sacrifice your sister for the person who poisoned her?"

As Lion focused on the boy he noticed bruises all over his body. Drops of blood dripped from his mouth. His clothes were torn.

"Are you the group responsible for kidnapping abnormals?" Lion asked as he moved one of his silver particles into Linda's mouth.

"Don't call us that. Instead call us Majestic one of the members of the Three essentials." Lito stated. "Our job is to kill abnormals everywhere. That includes your sister. The lie she told everyone that her attribute is from Thoselo is stupid."

"Why don't you kill her right here?" Lion asked.

"Unlike our previous victims. She is important. To our leaders at least."

"Were you also behind the assassination of Luton." The captain enquired.

"No that was done by K.otic."

Suddenly another person appeared out of thin air. Lion balled his fist and grit his teeth.

"Is the target ready?" She asked before she looked at Lion. "Let's go then." She continued. Like flash they were gone.

Lito threw the boy onto the sand. "Well I'm off to." He added as his body melted into a puddle of lava that quickly hardened. "If only you knew a spell. Maybe you could've stopped us."

As Lion check the boy's heart beat he discovered that it was fading. At that moment Zack and his supirior arrived at the scene.

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