Chapter 41 Training

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A real Mamba is someone who kills. Only the weak show mercy son kill that boy now. Said a familiar voice inside both Zack and Leo's dreams. This caused the two to suddenly wake up from their slumber.

Leo was breathing heavily as his blurry vision started to be more vivid. As he rubbed his eyes he could feel that his face was wet. "Did you have another nightmare honey?" Said his wife Megan as she turned on the side lamp.

"Yes I did. It was also about my father." Megan looked on from behind as Leo stood up from the bed quickly. He opened their bedroom window and breathed in the fresh air.

The night sky was bright and beautiful. Leo spotted his favorite constellation in the sky. After getting some air, he returned back to bed where he found his wife returning from the toilet.

"I just don't know what to do when it comes to my children babe." Leo suddenly talked as he starred at the ceiling from the comfort of his pillow. "My first born wants to do the impossible, while my last born the heir to the Mamba throne wants nothing to do with his clan name or heritage."

Megan smiled as she watched her husband blab on about his children. "This is a first." She responded causing Leo to turn her way. "Normally you would just return to sleep. It's not like you to talk about your children especially with me. What has gotten to you?"

"My father... My dreams are about how my father treated me as a kid. His harsh lessons and comparisons to my sister annoyed me." Megan quickly laughed upon hearing that statement.  "I'm opening up my heart and you are just going to laugh."

"No it's just that your father reminds of someone I know." She added as she got comfortable in the bed.

"Who is that? Please tell me." Leo asked only to get silence. He suddenly heard Megan snore softly signaling that she was already asleep. Which reminds me, I need to visit Luton at the hospital. The old man has been through a lot.

The door bell rang forcing Cody to rush and see who it was. As he opened the white wooden door, he discovered Becca and another person standing outside. "Hey there shark bait." Becca greeted with a smile. She wore her mission outfit while the other person was not.

"Um hy." The person behind Becca greeted.

"Common Teddy you got to show more spunk, you are his superior after all." Becca encouragingly told her friend. "Don't worry about her she is always like this. Never underestimate her either, she is very strong."

"B-Becca." She called out trying to stop her friend's excessive bragging. Cody laughed a bit because this reminded him of the first time he and Zack became friends.

"Hello Teddy nice to meet you too." Cody replied with a smile. This caused Teddy to hide behind Becca.

"I'm sorry my student, but something came up. I won't be able to come with you two to Nabu Valley."  Becca told Cody who slightly felt disappointed. "But fear not because this lovely lady over here, has volunteered to oversee your training."

"Um, you do have to prepare for the rookie tournament after all." Teddy commented.

"Exactly and that is why I agreed. Don't worry I will teach you extreme magic when I return promise." Becca smiled as a car came by.

"Come on Becca we are going to be late you know." Said the person who was at the wheel.

"OK give me a second." Becca replied as she prepared to leave. "See you when I return guys and girl."

"Hey is that Cody? Well done on your last mission. Your idea to start the fire to counter act the other one was brilliant." The driver stated.

"It was nothing sir." Cody replied as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Don't call me sir, I'm only older than you by three years. Besides the only people here who you should address like that are these two lovely ladies. They are way older than me." The person replied Cody. This caused him to get a nasty stare from Becca which caused him to shut up and drive.

Zack sat at the lobby waiting for Cody and his sister to arrive. He watched as countless members of his squad go in and out of the hall. Even Brandon had gone in one direction at some moment. "Zack." Someone called behind.

As he turned around, Zack saw that it was Abby who was calling. Her long wavy orange hair and beautiful smile always filled him with joy. "Abby hey." He replied. I really wanted her to come to the training camp with us, but unfortunately she is busy.

"Are you about to leave for the training thing of yours?" Abby asked as she saw Zack's bag packed and ready.

"Can't you see the stupid look on his face, he is super ready." Tesla commented as he calmly approached. Upon hearing those words Zack's cheeks turned slightly pink. He also noticed that some of the older female knights watched Tesla walk by them in awe. He had all to commonly seen those faces being made. "And knowing Cody, he must be super pumped." Tesla added happily.

"Do we know different Codys or what?" Abby looked at Tesla as she raised an eyebrow. "As far as I've known him he must be scared." She added before they all laughed. After an while of laughing Zack noticed the attire if his friends.

"Are you guys about to leave?" Zack asked as he noticed that they were wearing their squad uniform.   Both of the people in question smiled as if they are saying 'yes'.

"Then where is the third person?" Zack asked.

"She left us claiming that we are too slow and not worth the effort to wait for." Abby annoyingly replied. "I still can't believe that she and Maya are sisters."

"Oh.. vice captain Electra is watching you. Good luck." Zack stated as Tesla began to head for the door.

"Let's get a move on Abby, we will be late." Tesla stated as he moved towards the guild doors.

"See you later Zack. Come back stronger okay." Abby waved cheerfully as she followed Tesla.

"Hey look over there." Three individuals whispered together. Their breaths could be seen as they turned towards the object of interest.

"It's the leader of the Mambas." Another person observed.

"Did you you know that Mambas become stronger by bathing in the blood of their victims?" Another asked as they continued to look at Leo. Suddenly the mighty Mamba leader stopped in his tracks and turned towards them.

"Is something the matter? I couldn't help but notice you looking at me." He asked with his red eyes pointed at them.

"N-N-No sir everything is f-fine." They replied before they scurried away like mice

Leo looked at them a bit more before continuing on his way to Luton at the Peak town general hospital. Before he moved he bumped into a child who was running from some bullies. The bullies quickly turned tail. "Run!"

As the boy stood up his eyes met Leo's. The boy quickly stood up and ran past him. "Sorry mister."

"Unlike other leaders people are afraid of having a conversation with me." He spoke to himself as his misty breath flowed out of his mouth. "If being fierce is a Mamba thing then why do I feel isolated when I'm alone? Why does my son reject this notion?" Leo asked himself as he entered the hospital premises.

"Room 3MI should be right here." Leo navigated the hospital as he slid his left  hand against the wall. When he found the correct room, he quickly pulled down on the leaver opening the wooden door

"Holy shit!" Said an individual who was injecting something into the drip that belonged to Luton. The other person looked at where his partner was staring at.

"Quick Juda, let's scram dude." One of said before they ran through the Leo. The other one simply fell through the floor. At that moment Luton began to into fit while Leo stood there in stun shock.

"You there get a doctor now or I will kill you!" He finally spoke after collecting his thoughts.

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