Chapter 11 Heavens Pillar

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The group finally arrived at the lake. Everyone stood at the water's edge and looked at the lake and the nature surrounding it.

With the soft grass and the cool autumn breeze, this was a perfect spot to have a small picnic. If I ever get the courage to ask her out, this is a perfect place for a date. Zack thought, before he spotted a mother duck swimming gracefully with her ducklings.

He then followed Gary as he looked for the entrance to Heaven's pillar. While doing so, Zack noticed one of the ducklings go astray. Just before it could get far, the father arrived and guided back to the flock.

"I know how you feel little guy. The world ain't ready for people like us." Zack mumbled. "Especially our fathers."

" As my son do you know how embarrassing it is for you to fail the right of passage!?" Zack's father shouted as the objects around him moved around thanks to his attribute.

"I'm sorry dad, but I couldn't do it because she was crying." Zack replied with tears coming out of his eyes. Zack's father just stormed off in anger. He stood by the door frame and looked back at his son.

"From this day forth, you are not allowed in any of our gatherings as a clan. You are also removed from being the next leader of the Mamba clan." Zack's father slammed the door to his room. "Damnit it, I can't believe that both my children are so disappointing." He mumbled.

"I found it!" Gary shouted while waving his hands in the air. This brought Zack back to reality as ran Tesla passed him.

Zack saw Gary enter the water as if he was climbing down a set stairs. Before Gary fully submerged himself, he signaled the others to follow him. Zack wasn't a fan of water. To put it simply he couldn't swim. This was due to a certain traumatic experience in his childhood. Zack watched as Tesla's blue hair disappeared into the blue water. Seeing this Zack forced himself into the lake taking one small step at a time. He closed his eyes as the water touched his face.

When Zack opened them he was surprised that he could see properly. Not only that, but he could breath. As he looked around he noticed fish that have not been discovered yet. One such fish was the Canth which the scientific nation of Thoselo said was extinct.

As Zack reached out to touch it, his hand was stopped by a transparent rubber wall. "Ancient magic?" Zack questioned, as he looked up towards the surface of the lake. While doing so he spotted an giant aquatic reptile. "It's somekind of dinosaur."

"We are not here to sight see little boy. Move it or I'll kill you myself!" Phile shouted.

"Yes sir!" He responded. I can't help but feel like this place was someone's personal aquarium.

They finally reached the bottom of the lake and to much of everyone's surprise it was not what they had expected. The were different coloured rocks with strange markings on them. Some had monsters, while others contained strange symbolism of giant people forming the earth.

Tesla noticed that one of the stones was covered in gold. As he got closer he saw a carving of a one legged man. "I wish I had brought my camera. This is amazing."

"Why is there so much emphasis on rainbows?" Phile complained. The group continued walking for sometime, up until they spotted a huge tower in the distance. Upon seeing it they all sprinted towards it.

After about ten minutes the group was now face to face with a giant iron door which was twenty feet tall. On the door was a painting of a giant monster. It was a dog with a fish tail and fins. It's ears were pointed and it had two sets of cow horns.

The two boys started pushing with Gary helping. "Let me help to, it's my mother we came to save after all." He stated as he used all his strength to open the two doors.

The door slowly creaked open. A loud clang was heard and this signalled that the door was fully opened. A dark tunnel leading to the central chamber appeared and a mysterious light stood at the end.

"Welcome to the pillar of heav-"  Gary stopped as footsteps echoed. The sound got louder and louder.

"By the way it sounds, it must be a human female; a adult at that." Gary analyzed.

Upon hearing that Gary's eyes widened. "Mom!" He shouted as a giant figure entered the tunnel behind her. Tesla recognized the growling causing him to react. He used his attribute to enhance his body. Like lightning he ran to her.

"It's the creature from the exam!" Zack realized when it was about to breath. Before it could unleash it's attack, Tesla ran past the woman and unleashed a large amount of lightning. To the others it looked like a in door lightning storm. Zack arrived in time and created a wind shield to protect her.

Wow, they are very powerful. Gary marveled. Phile just clicked his tongue in disgust, before mumbling something.

"Nothing impressive. I can do way better."

As Tesla finished his attack, the creature turned to a mould like it did with Cody. The lightning bot quickly took action and finished it with his lightning dragon blast. It completely vanished clearing the way.  "During that day I felt useless. So despite my doctor's advice, I trained hard during the week. I don't ever want to feel useless again, because a magi is always useful."

Suddenly birds made from the same substance as Camu suddenly appeared. "Be careful-" The pain caused her to pause. Zack noticed that she was bleeding in the abdomen. "Those creatures are bombs."

Zack created a clone of himself and told it to stop the bleeding. He then ran to Tesla and unleashed an 'Aeolus blast'. This attack made the creatures collide with each other, setting them off. The explosion was contained within a wind barrier.

"It may have not been much, but I've been training as well." Zack smiled. "This time I saved you." He extended his hand to raise him up.

With the help of Zack, Tesla was up. "That's a Mamba for you." Tesla gently tapped his shoulder.

"Hey fresh meat we are not done here." Phile interrupted them. The boys realized that someone else was approaching. He clapped his hands slowly as he got closer.

"It seems like you guys survived and you've become stronger to boot. However, you still not on my level, not even close." Emanz bragged as he created a giant storm of limestone particles around himself.

Suddenly everyone heard a loud bang. Tesla saw a flash of lightning at the end of the tunnel before a huge body was slammed  on the earth.

"It looks like the captain has killed the guardian." Emanz analyzed before Tesla moved past him. When Phile tried he was quickly stopped. "No-no I want you all to myself. Tell that boy to take those weaklings to safety."

As Tesla approached the end of the tunnel his eyes widened upon realizing who the figure was. "Why long time no see little brother."

As this was happening, a woman in a violet  full body cloak appeared from a shadow in front of Mason. "Master, Wyet and his team have gotten the totem."

"That's great. Now tell Pride and that big gorilla to destroy Sargo. Including children." Mason demand as he entered a room behind the throne.

The room was dim with only candles being a source of light. In the was a huge picture of the late king of Rainbow. "I hope you are watching father. As your disgrace of a son achieves something great. Soon everyone in this world will kneel to me."

Sorry for the late publishing, I was sick, but now I'm all energized although I'm not a hundred percent yet.

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Thanks for reading I really appreciate it. Comment if you'd like and votes are always appreciated. Thank you 😃

~I might edit this more when I'm better thanks.~

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